

Kazakhstan’s Power Shortages: Crypto Miners and Geopolitics

Kazakhstan’s Power Shortages: Crypto Miners and Geopolitics

By Paolo Sorbello
Data centers caused a spike in electricity demand, while the country is still dependent on coal.

Disaster Shadows Chinese Mining Ventures in Southeast Asia

Disaster Shadows Chinese Mining Ventures in Southeast Asia

By Tongam Panggabean and Dustin Roasa
China has recently tightened its mining safety regulations, but they don't apply to Chinese-owned mines overseas.
Kyrgyzstan: Between a Glacier and a Gold Mine

Kyrgyzstan: Between a Glacier and a Gold Mine

By Catherine Putz
The unending headache that is Kumtor continues. This time the conflict is over the mine's environmental impact.

Mongolians Protest Centerra Gold Mine

Mongolians Protest Centerra Gold Mine

By Ryskeldi Satke
The controversial Canadian company seems set to replicate its Kyrgyzstan experience in Mongolia.

Xi’s Mongolia Trip a Signal to China’s Neighbors

Xi’s Mongolia Trip a Signal to China’s Neighbors

By Clint Richards
Beijing is attempting to improve regional relations in the run up to November’s APEC summit.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Mining Outlook: Cloudy, But Sunshine Ahead?

Mining Outlook: Cloudy, But Sunshine Ahead?

The industry has slowed on weakening demand. But some observers remain positive about the future.

Mongolia's Economic Challenge

Mongolia's Economic Challenge

Mongolia hopes to leverage widespread international interest in its Tavan Tolgoi coal mine to diversify its economy.

Atomic Allies?: India and Australia Explore Uranium Sales

Atomic Allies?: India and Australia Explore Uranium Sales

As relations continue to warm, Australia and India could add uranium sales to their budding partnership.

Gold Regains its Glitter

Gold Regains its Glitter

Investing in the precious metal polarizes investors – but its price looks set to rise regardless.

North Korea’s Six Trillion Dollar Question

North Korea’s Six Trillion Dollar Question

North Korea holds trillions of dollars in mineral resources. Unless it reforms its economy, it may never see much benefit.

From Bad To Worse: The Philippines New Mining Law

From large loopholes to complaints of favoring foreign firms,an opportunity seems to have been squandered.

Afghanistan’s Mineral Wealth – Fact or Fiction?

Afghanistan’s Mineral Wealth – Fact or Fiction?

Afghanistan’s mineral deposits hold promise, but bringing such wealth to market will be a challenge.

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