
Half-truths and Lies: An Online Day in Australia
By T. J. Thomson and Aimee Hourigan
Australians are swamped by misinformation every day, but they're smart enough to know they need help to better navigate an untrustworthy online world.

Eroding Electoral Integrity in Southeast Asia
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with James Gomez from the Asia Centre.

Where to Next in Australia’s Battle With Elon Musk and X?
By Terry Flew
The Australian government’s battle with Elon Musk and X over violent content appears admirable, but will it change anything for those vulnerable to its harm?

Artificial Intelligence, Disinformation, and the 2024 Indonesian Elections
By Nuurrianti Jalli
With the world at a technological watershed, Indonesia needs to develop mechanisms to guard against the manipulation of AI for political purposes.

The Philippine Government’s Distrust of Fact-Checkers
By Mong Palatino
Fact-checkers are a vital bulwark against the wave of election-related misinformation. But such efforts are coming under attack.

The Future of Asia’s Battle Against Online Misinformation
By Jeff Paine
Blunt “fake news” legislation is open to easy abuse. There are other good options for tackling the complex problem of misinformation.

Amid COVID-19, Fake News Crackdowns Do Damage Across Southeast Asia
By Karen Lee and Andreyka Natalegawa
Multiple governments in the region have used misinformation laws to suppress critical reporting on COVID-19.

Battling COVID-19, One TikTok Challenge at a Time
By Dymples Leong
From China to Vietnam, the battle against misinformation on Generation Z's favorite social media platform continues.

Misinformation Amid Australia Bushfire Crisis
By Joshua Mcdonald
As the fires rage, rumors and misinformation have spread widely, too.

Sri Lanka Blocks Social Media After Easter Sunday Bombings
By Matt O'Brien and Stephen Wright
Authorities are wary of misinformation spreading in the aftermath of the attacks.
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