Mitt Romney

US Lawmakers Are Watching Hong Kong, and China Isn’t Happy About That
By Shannon Tiezzi

Mitt Romney Is Wrong on Iran
By Daniel R. DePetris

Sony’s Yuletide Doldrums Could Lead to Comeback
By Shihoko Goto
A Bipartisan National Security Agenda
When Mitt Romney and Barack Obama meet, they should outline a consensus on four common sense issues.

Asia's Four Big Questions for Obama's Second Term
President Obama has won reelection. Will the “pivot” continue? Asia has many questions…

How Asia Sees America's Election: Three Views From the Asia-Pacific
Today Americans go to the polls to elect their next president. The Diplomat presents three different views from China, Australia and S. Korea.

Four More Years for Obama? President-Elect Romney?
Who do you think will win America’s Presidential contest tomorrow? Share your thoughts…

How India Sees the U.S. Presidential Election
Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami gives us a sample of three possible views from India on America’s Presidential race.

Who is Best for Asia: Romney or Obama? You Decide.
During Monday’s foreign policy debate, Asia’s future was an important topic. Dr. Richard Weitz breaks down the candidates’ positions.

A Cold War State of Mind?
While there is room for debate concerning the makeup of the U.S. Navy, certain comparisons warrant a bit of caution.

Back From the Brink: Iran and America Set for Talks?
While both sides have already denied it, talks could be a first step towards compromise. The road to negotiations though could be a long one.

Afghanistan: Why America's Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue
U.S. forces are drawing down in Afghanistan and concluding the longest war in its history. Why is such an important issue being forgotten?