Mongolia democracy

Former President Elbegdorj Tsakhia on Mongolia’s Democracy and Security
By Bolor Lkhaajav
“Democracy is deeply rooted in Mongolia. Yet, our people’s choice is under constant assault.”

New Constitutional Amendments in Mongolia: Real Reform or Political Opportunism?
By Munkhnaran Bayarlkhagva
There are serious issue with Mongolia's political system. Will the current proposals for constitutional amendment address those problems?

The Hurdles Facing Mongolia’s Overseas Voters
By Anoushka Chandarana, Anthony Coompson, Jemimah Ogundele, and Narayanan (Hari) GL
Mongolia does not make it easy for expats to cast their ballots in key elections.

The Fall of the Soviet Union: Mongolia’s Path to Democratic Revolution
By Bolor Lkhaajav and Antoine Maire
The singularity of the Mongolian revolutionary process deserves to be underlined.

Bolor Lkhaajav on Mongolia’s Messy Presidential Election
By Shannon Tiezzi
A run-down of the state of Mongolian politics a week before the election.

Is Mongolia Heading Toward One-Party Rule?
By Enkhbaigali Byambasuren
A constitutional and legislative crisis resulted in a hunger strike ahead of the June presidential election.

Are Presidential Elections Putting Mongolian Democracy in Peril?
By Bat-Orgil Altankhuyag and Fernando Casal Bértoa
Popular presidential elections can serve to increase fragmentation, weaken political parties, and promote polarization, putting democracy at risk.

Aubrey Menard on Mongolia’s Dynamic Youth
By Catherine Putz
30 years after a youth-led revolution overturned Soviet rule, young Mongols are again at the forefront of change in the country.

Mongolia: How Nalaikh’s Youth See Democracy
By Claire Casher, Samantha Coronel, Rasmus Dilling-Hansen, and Cassandra Jeffery
A Canadian research team shares their findings from a Mongolia youth engagement study.

Mongolia's March Against Corruption
By Peter Bittner
The view from Sukhbaatar Square during a series of mass protests.

Mongolia's Crisis of Democracy Continues
By Peter Bittner
The parliamentary speaker has been forced out, the latest twist in Mongolia's long-simmering political scandals.

Small- and Medium-Sized Outrage Building Over Corruption in Mongolia
By Julian Dierkes and Mendee Jargalsaikhan
The public will be watching the Khurelsukh government for its reaction to massive allegations of misuse at the SME Fund.