
Mongolia politics

Counting Underway on Mongolia’s Parliamentary Election Marked by Efforts to Woo Disillusioned Voters

Counting Underway on Mongolia’s Parliamentary Election Marked by Efforts to Woo Disillusioned Voters

By Ken Moritsugu
With about 88 percent of the votes counted, the Mongolian People’s Party was leading, but the Democratic Party appeared to be doing better than the last election.

Corruption Issues Loom Large as Mongolia Prepares to Vote

Corruption Issues Loom Large as Mongolia Prepares to Vote

By Michael Kohn
The ruling MPP has the advantage in polling, but domestic grievances could help opposition parties gain seats.
Mongolia’s Political Parties Showcase Candidates for the 2024 Parliamentary Election

Mongolia’s Political Parties Showcase Candidates for the 2024 Parliamentary Election

By Bolor Lkhaajav
As Mongolia goes to its first election with an enlarged parliament and new mixed representation electoral system, parties are including more diverse and young candidates.

Ex-Mongolian PM Accused of Corruption by US Justice Department

Ex-Mongolian PM Accused of Corruption by US Justice Department

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Batbold Sukhbaatar has been accused of corruption before, featuring in the Panama Paper and Pandora Papers, but has never been convicted.

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

By Bolor Lkhaajav
This election will be the first test of a constitutional reform that expanded the parliament, with an eye toward increasing representation for women and disadvantaged groups.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Challenges in Mongolia’s Upcoming Election 

Challenges in Mongolia’s Upcoming Election 

By Bolor Lkhaajav and Enkhbaigali Byambasuren
June 2024 will see the first elections since constitutional changes reconfigured Mongolia’s legislature and electoral system.

Mongolia’s Constitutional Reform Enlarges Parliament, Advances a Mixed Electoral System

Mongolia’s Constitutional Reform Enlarges Parliament, Advances a Mixed Electoral System

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolia's third round of constitutional reforms in four years added 50 seats to the State Great Khural, 38 percent of which will be chosen by proportional representation.
Mongolia: Politics and Protests in 2023

Mongolia: Politics and Protests in 2023

Anand Tumutogoo, Bolor Lkhaajav, and Julian Dierkes discuss the factors behind Mongolia's December protests, and the likelihood of a repeat this spring.

Former President Elbegdorj Tsakhia on Mongolia’s Democracy and Security

Former President Elbegdorj Tsakhia on Mongolia’s Democracy and Security

By Bolor Lkhaajav
“Democracy is deeply rooted in Mongolia. Yet, our people’s choice is under constant assault.”

Mongolia Unveils New Pro-Business Cabinet

Mongolia Unveils New Pro-Business Cabinet

By Amar Adiya
The quick Cabinet reshuffle is intended to strengthen PM Oyun-Erdene’s position and give him legislative support to push his liberalization and privatization agenda forward.

New Constitutional Amendments in Mongolia: Real Reform or Political Opportunism?

New Constitutional Amendments in Mongolia: Real Reform or Political Opportunism?

By Munkhnaran Bayarlkhagva
There are serious issue with Mongolia's political system. Will the current proposals for constitutional amendment address those problems?
Youth Protest Stretches Into Day 2 in Mongolia

Youth Protest Stretches Into Day 2 in Mongolia

By Bolor Lkhaajav
The voice of the youth and their peaceful protests have historical resonance for Mongolia’s democracy.

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