Mongolia trade

Mongolia’s Central Asia Connection: Kazakhstan
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolia looks to use its upgraded relationship with Kazakhstan to forge closer ties with Central Asia writ large.

What the North Korea-Russia Rapprochement Means for Mongolia’s Transit and Transport Network
By Sumiya Chuluunbaatar and Khurelbaatar G
China, Russia, and North Korea have strengthened cooperation, which may solve the dilemmas of the Tumen River corridor and provide historical opportunities for Mongolia to access new seaports.

Mongolia and South Korea Emphasize Deeper Economic Ties
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene's visit to Seoul highlighted some future directions of bilateral economic cooperation.

Mongolia, UK Celebrate 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations
By Bolor Lkhaajav
In 1963, Britain became the first Western country to recognize Mongolia.

Tianjin Port Congestion Disrupts China-Mongolia Supply Chain
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Shipping delays at major Chinese ports are snarling Mongolian imports from third party countries, and costing Mongolian businesses.
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