
Moon Jae-in administration

As Approval Rating Declines, Moon Reshuffles Cabinet Ministers 

As Approval Rating Declines, Moon Reshuffles Cabinet Ministers 

By Mitch Shin
Following setbacks at the polls, President Moon is hoping to stave off lame-duck status by shaking up his cabinet.
Blue House Reshuffles Cabinet in Bid to Protect Moon’s Approval Ratings

Blue House Reshuffles Cabinet in Bid to Protect Moon’s Approval Ratings

By Mitch Shin
With Moon’s approval ratings declining gradually, two of his senior cabinet members have been replaced.

South Korea’s Prosecution Reform Saga Heads Toward Final Showdown

South Korea’s Prosecution Reform Saga Heads Toward Final Showdown

By Jenna Gibson
Prosecutor General Yoon Suk-yeol, a political darling of conservatives, will face a hearing over his dismissal amid the Moon government’s final push for reform.

South Korea Looks to Cap Public Debt, But Is It Actually a Problem?

South Korea Looks to Cap Public Debt, But Is It Actually a Problem?

By Kyle Ferrier
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has heavily leaned on government spending to drive growth. But overall debt remains relatively low.

What Do South Koreans Think of Their Government’s COVID-19 Response?

What Do South Koreans Think of Their Government’s COVID-19 Response?

By Timothy S. Rich, Madelynn Einhorn, Andi Dahmer, and Isabel Eliassen
Early on, South Korea was touted as a model of COVID-19 containment. Does the public still approve of the government’s approach?
South Korea Baffled by Stop-and-Search, Police Bus Walls During Protests

South Korea Baffled by Stop-and-Search, Police Bus Walls During Protests

By Tae-jun Kang
Moves to disrupt anti-government protests were justified as a COVID-19 response measure, but many suspect a darker motivation.

President Moon Hits Another Hurdle in Curbing South Korea’s Housing Market

President Moon Hits Another Hurdle in Curbing South Korea’s Housing Market

By Kyle Ferrier
Moon's administration has enacted over 20 policies to try and curb soaring real estate prices -- all without success.
View from Japan: South Korea’s Pandemic Elections

View from Japan: South Korea’s Pandemic Elections

By Tadashi Kimiya
After a landslide win, now is the time to address bilateral tensions.

South Korean 2020 Legislative Election: A Mid-Term Test for Moon Jae-In

South Korean 2020 Legislative Election: A Mid-Term Test for Moon Jae-In

By Ildar Daminov
The 2020 legislative election should be seen as a referendum on Moon’s policies.

Lessons From South Korea’s COVID-19 Outbreak: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Lessons From South Korea’s COVID-19 Outbreak: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

By Justin Fendos
Where South Korea has succeeded – and where it has struggled – in containing the new epidemic.

Public Anger Grows in South Korea Over Justice Minister Nominee

Public Anger Grows in South Korea Over Justice Minister Nominee

By Tae-jun Kang
The scandal surrounding Cho Kuk taps into deeper sentiments that only the rich and powerful can succeed in South Korea.
Will South Korean Turn to Its PM to Resolve Conflicts With Japan?

Will South Korean Turn to Its PM to Resolve Conflicts With Japan?

By Tae-jun Kang
Lee Nak-yeon, known as a Japan expert, might be one of the few chances Seoul has to resolve the dispute.

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