Moon Jae-in administration
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South Korean President Moon’s Mid-Term Review
By Joshua Jervis
Moon’s declining popularity can be widely attributed to a rising domestic focus on his administration’s economic performance.

South Korean Journalist Under Fire for Being 'Rude' to President Moon
By Tae-jun Kang
Is a journalist asking a president a serious question inappropriate?

Five Priorities for South Korea’s Moon Jae-in in 2019
By Jenna Gibson
What should be on the South Korean president’s agenda for the new year?

Blame the Heat? South Korean President Moon’s Approval Rating Reaches Record Low
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
President Moon's approval rate remains above 50 percent, but is at its lowest point since his 2017 inauguration.

Is Moononomics Working Yet?
By Justin Fendos
A year in office, it’s time to examine South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s economic policies.

What Is South Korea’s Vision for the New Northeast Asian Order?
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
Kim Yong-jae, from the China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, reflects on the upcoming flurry of summits.

South Korea’s Real Fight Is With China, Not Japan
By Scott W. Harold and Jeffrey W. Hornung
Seoul is picking the wrong battle, with real implications for itself, Washington, and the region.

Is it Time for South Korea to Regain Wartime Operational Control?
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
President Moon’s recent remarks sparked fierce debate on retrieving South Korea’s wartime operational control from the United States.

South Korea's New Government Suspends THAAD Deployment Pending Environmental Assessment
By Ankit Panda
The South Korean presidential office has said the deployment of additional THAAD launchers will be delayed.
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