Moon Jae-in foreign policy

Moon Jae-In: South Korea’s Merkel?
By Thomas Chan and Seong Hyeon Choi
Both leaders believed that economics and energy concerns locked their countries into a path of appeasing threatening neighbors.

Kim Joon-hyung on How Seoul Can Lead Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula
By Mitch Shin
The Diplomat’s Mitch Shin interviews Dr. Kim Joon-hyung, chancellor of Korea National Diplomatic Academy, on the Korean peace process.

South Korea’s New Southern Policy: The Indonesia Dimension
By Noto Suoneto
President Moon's policy seems tailor-made for Indonesia, but much more can be done to improve the relationship between the two nations.

How Biden Can Navigate a New Era in South Korean Politics
By Brian Kim
The future of U.S.-ROK relations depends on the United States understanding the priorities of South Korea’s now-dominant liberals.

The Mekong Dimension of South Korea’s New Southern Policy with ASEAN
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Moon administration is upping its focus on Mekong countries as part of its wider approach to Southeast Asia.

A Closer Look at South Korea’s Plan for Cooperation With Russia
By Valentin Voloshchak
Exploring the viability of Moon Jae-in's Nine Bridges plan

ASEAN-South Korea Security Ties in the Spotlight at 2018 Seoul Defense Dialogue
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The forum shed light on Seoul’s continuing efforts to strengthen relations with Southeast Asian states in the defense domain.

A New Boost for South Korea’s New Southern Policy?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at a new development within the Moon government’s initiative.

Toward an India-South Korea Axis
By Siddharth Singh
When India’s ‘Act East Policy’ meets South Korea’s ‘New Southern Policy’ in the Indo-Pacific.

Moon’s PyeongChang Propaganda Coup
By Ramon Pacheco Pardo
Seoul brought Pyongyang in from the cold for the Olympics, putting President Moon at the helm of peninsular affairs.

How Will South Korea's New Maritime Security Forum Fare?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s defense minister proposed holding a new regional forum on maritime security this week in a key speech.
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