

China-US Relations After the Biden-Xi Summit: Beyond Stabilization

China-US Relations After the Biden-Xi Summit: Beyond Stabilization

By David Skidmore
We have staunched the bleeding in China-U.S. relations. Now can the patient be revived?

Amid Hard Times for Multilateralism, New Delhi Triumphant Over G20 Presidency

Amid Hard Times for Multilateralism, New Delhi Triumphant Over G20 Presidency

By Sanjeet Kashyap
India may be optimistic about its G-20 presidency, but the prospects for a transformative multilateralism are currently dim.
The Myth of Might Makes Right: Ukraine, Korea, and the Failure of Great Power Politics

The Myth of Might Makes Right: Ukraine, Korea, and the Failure of Great Power Politics

By Andy Hong
The real lesson to draw from Ukraine’s security-for-denuclearization arrangement should be that multilateral agreements are not enough to guarantee follow-through.

Was the Nagorno-Karabakh Deal a Missed Opportunity for the CSTO?

Was the Nagorno-Karabakh Deal a Missed Opportunity for the CSTO?

By Janko Šćepanović
Another diplomatic win for Russian bilateralism or a missed opportunity for one of Moscow’s regional multilateral institutions -- the Collective Security Treaty Organization?

Fiji’s Bainimarama Makes Pacific Plea for Multilateralism

Fiji’s Bainimarama Makes Pacific Plea for Multilateralism

By Grant Wyeth
From COVID-19 to climate change, the most pressing global issues – and those of most concern to Pacific states – are best served by collective action.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Trump Administration Must Maintain America’s Indo-Pacific Basing Posture

The Trump Administration Must Maintain America’s Indo-Pacific Basing Posture

By Melinda Madden
With Japan, the administration stands to damage relations at precisely the wrong time.

Trump’s War on the World Trade Organization

Trump’s War on the World Trade Organization

By Farah N. Jan and Megan Phansalkar
The international trading order is weakening as a result of U.S. actions.
Appraising Germany's 'Alliance of Multilateralists' Idea in an Asian Context

Appraising Germany's 'Alliance of Multilateralists' Idea in an Asian Context

By Ankit Panda
Can Germany lead an "alliance of multilateralists"? Is there a constituency for the idea in the Asia-Pacific?

German Foreign Minister Wants to Forge ‘Alliance of Multilateralists’ With Japan

German Foreign Minister Wants to Forge ‘Alliance of Multilateralists’ With Japan

By Daniel Hurst
Heiko Maas calls for the countries to cooperate against threats from North Korea, Russia, China -- and the U.S.

BRICS: Divided We Stand

BRICS: Divided We Stand

By Harsh V. Pant
Geopolitical fault lines divide the BRICS.

China and the Iran Nuclear Deal

China and the Iran Nuclear Deal

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
The deal offers some significant and sobering lessons on “multilateralism with Chinese characteristics.”

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