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India: A Late-Bloomer, Not a Latecomer, in Global Economic Leadership
By Akshay Mathur
In recent years, India has elevated its commitments to multilateral economic institutions.

Incentivizing Multilateralism in the South China Sea
By Kailash K Prasad
How might claimants encourage a multilateral approach to the troubled waters?

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Is Open for Business: What Now?
By Ankit Panda
The China-led bank has opened its doors. Is the AIIB an institution of great consequence in the Asia-Pacific?

The Philippines and Vietnam Forge a Strategic Partnership
By Carl Thayer
Could this form the basis of multilateral maritime security cooperation?

Why Hasn't Maritime Multilateralism Worked in Southeast Asia?
By Ankit Panda
Asian maritime disputes stem from deeply entrenched national interests.

The Risks of Asia-Pacific Multilateralism
By John H.S. Åberg and Nathan W. Novak
Those who would call for U.S.-led multilateral institutions in Asia need to consider the potential pitfalls.

A Global Call to Arms Control
Nine years after UNSC 1540 passed, progress remains uneven and incomplete.

The Key To Asia's Future
With Western economies facing serious challenges, regional cooperation, greater intra-Asia trade and development will define the region’s future.

Trouble for Tokyo: Japan's Foreign Policy Challenges
Faced with a rising China, Russia’s ‘pivot’ to Asia, and challenges with North and South Korea, Japan may need to reboot its Foreign Policy.

Can China be a World Leader?
Many Chinese advocate Beijing taking on a greater leadership role on the world stage. Can they get anyone to follow?
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