
Myanmar constitution

Myanmar’s Former Military Dictator Hospitalized Due to COVID-19

Myanmar’s Former Military Dictator Hospitalized Due to COVID-19

By Sebastian Strangio
Than Shwe's illness is paralleled by the collapse of the crafted system of semi-democracy that he engineered.

Myanmar Coup Opponents Announce ‘Unity Government’, Interim Constitution

Myanmar Coup Opponents Announce ‘Unity Government’, Interim Constitution

By Sebastian Strangio
The move came as a special U.N. envoy warned that the country “is on the verge of spiraling into a failed state.”
Melissa Crouch on Myanmar’s Coup and the Rule of Law

Melissa Crouch on Myanmar’s Coup and the Rule of Law

By Sebastian Strangio
"What the military’s assertion of political power on February 1 has done is expose the inherent bias and undemocratic nature of the 2008 Constitution."

Did the Myanmar Coup Install an Illegitimate President?

Did the Myanmar Coup Install an Illegitimate President?

By Melissa Crouch
The junta-appointed president, Myint Swe, may face the same citizenship questions as Aung San Suu Kyi.

Was Myanmar’s Coup Legal? And Does it Matter?

Was Myanmar’s Coup Legal? And Does it Matter?

By Sebastian Strangio
For most of Myanmar's modern history, the law has been shaped by the army's power and interests rather than the other way around.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How Constitutional Reform in Myanmar Matters for the Country’s Democracy

How Constitutional Reform in Myanmar Matters for the Country’s Democracy

By Andrew Nachemson
While the process may not result in much substantive change, it nonetheless has tangible effects on ties between the NLD, the military, and ethnic parties.

What's Behind the New Constitution Change Push in Myanmar?

What's Behind the New Constitution Change Push in Myanmar?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the move and what it may mean for the country's politics.
Myanmar: Fahrenheit 436

Myanmar: Fahrenheit 436

By David Scott Mathieson
One section of the country’s constitution promises some rocky times ahead.

Aung San Suu Kyi: Limitations and Obligations

Aung San Suu Kyi: Limitations and Obligations

By Vishal Arora
Her party’s landslide victory leaves Suu Kyi still politically constrained, but with much to do.

Myanmar Reveals Date for Historic 2015 Elections

Myanmar Reveals Date for Historic 2015 Elections

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country finally sets the date for much-anticipated polls.

Constitutional Reform Fails in Myanmar Ahead of Polls

Constitutional Reform Fails in Myanmar Ahead of Polls

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Key constitutional amendments fail to pass the country’s parliament.
‘Young’ Myanmar Still Needs Strong Military Role, Says Army Chief

‘Young’ Myanmar Still Needs Strong Military Role, Says Army Chief

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Comments reinforce worries that reduced military control is unlikely anytime soon.

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