
Myanmar election 2020

Will Supplementary Elections Be Held in Myanmar’s Rakhine State?

Will Supplementary Elections Be Held in Myanmar’s Rakhine State?

By Sebastian Strangio
The Tatmadaw and Arakan Army are both in favor, but the ruling National League for Democracy remains hesitant.

Challenges to Democracy and Hopes for Peace and Justice in Myanmar

Challenges to Democracy and Hopes for Peace and Justice in Myanmar

By Gus Miclat
For a multicultural society like Myanmar, the greatest test of democracy is whether the government treats its minorities equal to the majority.
Myanmar’s Long COVID-19 First Wave Continues

Myanmar’s Long COVID-19 First Wave Continues

By Sebastian Strangio
The country's porous and poorly regulated borders loom as potential vectors for crossborder transmission.

What’s Next for Myanmar’s Military Proxy Party?

What’s Next for Myanmar’s Military Proxy Party?

By Sebastian Strangio
After a dismal showing at this month's election, the army-backed USDP faces a long road back to respectability.

What the Philippines Can Learn from Myanmar’s Election

What the Philippines Can Learn from Myanmar’s Election

By Mong Palatino
Lesson #1: Stinging international rebukes over human rights abuses do not necessarily translate into fewer votes.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How Will Myanmar’s Election Affect Its Foreign Policy?

How Will Myanmar’s Election Affect Its Foreign Policy?

By Sebastian Strangio
The coming five-year term is likely to see a continuity of aims within more constrained parameters.

NLD Poised for Repeat Landslide in Myanmar Election

NLD Poised for Repeat Landslide in Myanmar Election

By Sebastian Strangio
Aung San Suu Kyi will win a second term, but real progress on ending Myanmar's cycle of conflict will require deeper reforms.
Myanmar’s NLD Draws More Criticisms Ahead of National Poll

Myanmar’s NLD Draws More Criticisms Ahead of National Poll

By Sebastian Strangio
Aung San Suu Kyi's government is weathering heavy criticism about the upcoming poll – but none of it is likely to matter on election day.

Myanmar’s Election Marks a Step Away From Peace

Myanmar’s Election Marks a Step Away From Peace

By Ben Dunant
Sunday's vote will likely deliver a government with a strong popular mandate – a rarity in mainland Southeast Asia – but ethnic minorities will be left out in the cold.

Why Next Month’s Elections Could Worsen Ethnic Tensions in Myanmar

Why Next Month’s Elections Could Worsen Ethnic Tensions in Myanmar

By Sebastian Strangio
Myanmar's electoral system concentrates power in the hands of the Burman majority, the root cause of decades of civil conflict.

Myanmar Elections Set to Exacerbate Erasure of the Rohingya Identity

Myanmar Elections Set to Exacerbate Erasure of the Rohingya Identity

By Kyaw Win and John Quinley III
A deeply flawed EU-funded election app exemplifies the tone-deaf approach of the international community.
Myanmar Calls Off Polling in Rakhine, Shan Conflict Zones

Myanmar Calls Off Polling in Rakhine, Shan Conflict Zones

By Sebastian Strangio
The cancellations were expected, but some say the decisions were selective and benefit the ruling National League for Democracy.

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