Narendra Modi in Japan

How Will India-Japan Relations Evolve Under Modi 3.0?
By Simran Walia
Three interrelated pillars – personal diplomacy, shared values, and strategic convergence – are at the center of the deepening relationship.

Abe, Modi Herald 'Unparalleled Potential' in Japan-India Relations
By Daniel Hurst
The Indian prime minister's visit to Japan saw deepening ties across the board, especially on defense.

Modi's Trip to Tokyo: Takeaways for India-Japan Relations
By Prakash Panneerselvam
The India-Japan strategic partnership is enjoying a new synergy.

No, India Should Not Seek an Alliance With Japan
By Swati Arun
It is hard to see how an alliance with Japan could be of benefit to India.

Japan’s Infra Bet on India Shows U.S. Constraints
By Alyssa Ayres
The US should take note of what Japan (and China) are offering India to further relations.

Rebalancing India’s Maritime Posture in the Indo-Pacific
By Abhijit Singh
India could help maintain strategic equilibrium in the Indo-Pacific, if it is prepared to broaden its thinking.

Modi, Japan and Diplomatic Balancing
By Nitin A. Gokhale
Fresh from an effusive visit to Japan, Modi now needs to balance New Delhi’s relations with Tokyo and Beijing.

Modi-Abe Summit High on Rhetoric, Lagging in Agreements
By Clint Richards
Significant nuclear, rail and diplomatic deals have been “pushed forward,” yet China remains a concern.

India Pushing Nuclear Pact At Modi-Abe Summit
By Clint Richards
Despite representing a huge new market, Japan must still be cautious in exporting nuclear technology.

Security or Investment: Balancing Japan’s Long-Term Foreign Policy
By Clint Richards
Sea lane security and new partners are key to protecting Japan’s far-flung assets.
Japan and India to Sign ‘Two-Plus-Two’ Dialogue Mechanism
By Clint Richards
Plus signs of thawing Sino-Japanese relations. Weekend Japan foreign policy links.

The Abe-Modi Summit Should Be a Signal to China
By Kunal Singh
The two leaders should coordinate on China while increasing economic cooperation.
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