Nepal Constituent Assembly

Citizenship, Identity and Nepal’s Contested 2015 Constitution
By Nirnaya Bhatta and Maximillian Morch
The 2015 Constitution failed to address the demands of Madhesi and indigenous populations.

Nepal's New Constitution: 65 Years in the Making
By Hari Phuyal
Nepal's new constitution passed on September 16. What will the new Nepal look like?

Why India Needs to Make Itself Heard in Nepal
By Hannah E. Haegeland
India's national interests will be served by speaking out on Nepal's constitution-related violence.

Nepal: Days of Chaos
By Omar Havana
Opposition disruption ensures that lawmakers miss yet another deadline for adopting a constitution.

The Future of Nepal: Are Its Days Numbered?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Given current instability, Nepal's political future looks increasingly uncertain.

The Geopolitics of Nepal’s Federal Structure
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Powerful neighbors and ethnic concerns complicate the drafting of Nepal’s constitution.

Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal struggles to form a mechanism that would deal with cases of wartime human rights violations.

Nepal’s Two Maoists Parties in Unification Bid
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
After a significant loss of power, the two parties look set to come back together.

Nepal: Elections Defy Skeptics, Poll-Opposing Forces
Nepal’s Constituent Assembly elections achieved a modicum of success. Can stability and a constitution follow?
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