
Nepal politics

Will Nepal’s New Government Usher in a New Electoral System?

Will Nepal’s New Government Usher in a New Electoral System?

By Pratistha Rijal
The current coalition, while fragile, has enough seats to undertake constitutional amendment, and potentially do away with Nepal’s mixed electoral system.

Foes CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress Turn Friends to Form New Nepali Government

Foes CPN-UML and the Nepali Congress Turn Friends to Form New Nepali Government

By Sudha Ramachandran
The political promiscuity of its parties, not the electoral system, is responsible for the country’s prolonged instability.
Why Nepal Escalated Its Map Dispute With India

Why Nepal Escalated Its Map Dispute With India

By Rishi Gupta
It’s no coincidence that the move came just as Nepal’s left-alliance government faces a crucial floor test.

The Return of the Left Alliance in Nepal Changes Regional Power Dynamics

The Return of the Left Alliance in Nepal Changes Regional Power Dynamics

By Rishi Gupta
With the pro-India Nepali Congress out of the ruling coalition, and the China-friendly CPN-UML back in, Nepal's diplomacy looks set to change.

In Nepal’s Capital, Protesters Call for Return to Monarchy, Hindu State

In Nepal’s Capital, Protesters Call for Return to Monarchy, Hindu State

By Prakash Neupane
The violent clashes that followed drew attention to long-standing discontent with Nepal's current governance system.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What’s Driving Hindu Nationalism in Nepal?

What’s Driving Hindu Nationalism in Nepal?

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Religious tensions, as opposed to ethnic or caste-based schisms, are relatively new in Nepal. What’s behind the recent upsurge? 

Nepal Elects New President Amid Political Uncertainty

Nepal Elects New President Amid Political Uncertainty

By Binaj Gurubacharya
The president is largely a figurehead with little political power, but there has been considerable political turmoil around the selection.
China Loses Ground in Nepal

China Loses Ground in Nepal

By Arpan Gelal
The recent political shake-up in the government has cost Beijing the upper hand in the contest for geopolitical influence.

Nepal’s New PM Dahal Switches Partners

Nepal’s New PM Dahal Switches Partners

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
With the CPN-UML pulling out support for the 2-month-old government, Dahal has joined forces with his old ally, the Nepali Congress.

Unified Marxist Leninist Party Withdraws From Nepal’s Fragile Coalition Government

Unified Marxist Leninist Party Withdraws From Nepal’s Fragile Coalition Government

By Associated Press
Once again, tensions between the CPN-UML and their fellow communist party may scuttle a Nepali government.

Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

Nepal’s New Government Faces a Stiff Test

By Marcus Andreopoulos
Dahal’s return to power could reset Nepal’s foreign policy – but first he'll have to survive an unstable coalition and disgruntled electorate.
Key Ally Quits Government in Nepal

Key Ally Quits Government in Nepal

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
While a month is not enough to judge the fledgling party, the Rastriya Swatantra Party has shown itself to be no different from the others.

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