
North Korea economy

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North Korea's High-Tech Pursuits

North Korea's High-Tech Pursuits

By Tae-jun Kang
From bullet train to air purifier: North Korea's ambition for scientific technologies.
What North Korea's 2017 Budget Report Says About Its Economic Health

What North Korea's 2017 Budget Report Says About Its Economic Health

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
North Korean data offer a picture of a slowing, but not catastrophic, economy.

North Korea’s Currency Crisis: US and Chinese Leverage

North Korea’s Currency Crisis: US and Chinese Leverage

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from William Brown

A Generational Shift in Pyongyang: Is Change Ahead?

A Generational Shift in Pyongyang: Is Change Ahead?

By Jongsoo Lee
Kim Jong-un may be ready to assert his own unique leadership style.

North Korea is Clearly Not Feeling the Pain

North Korea is Clearly Not Feeling the Pain

By Liang Tuang Nah
Real economic pressure remains the only real option to curb Pyongyang's proliferation.
Korean War Threat Fades as China Debt Fears Resurface

Korean War Threat Fades as China Debt Fears Resurface

By Anthony Fensom
Pyongyang's threats generate a sense of déjà vu, but China’s debt inspires more concrete worries.

President Moon's North Korea Strategy

President Moon's North Korea Strategy

By 38 North / Ruediger Frank
South Korea's new leader unveiled his strategy in an important speech in Berlin.
North Korea Will Not Stop Its Weapons Development

North Korea Will Not Stop Its Weapons Development

By Daniel P. Grant
The U.S. strategy to squeeze North Korea economically overlooks the centrality of the byungjin line.

North Korea’s ICBM Test, Byungjin, and the Economic Logic

North Korea’s ICBM Test, Byungjin, and the Economic Logic

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
North Korean leaders are gambling that increased sanctions will do little to harm a slowly growing economy.

A Eulogy to North Korean Women in Business Training

A Eulogy to North Korean Women in Business Training

By 38 North / Andray Abrahamian
Looking back at a three-year business training program for women.

Crisps and Coffee Shops: North Korea's New Consumerism

Crisps and Coffee Shops: North Korea's New Consumerism

By Alek Sigley
The influence of South Korean consumer goods reveals surprising changes in North Korean society.
How Big Is North Korea’s Market Economy?

How Big Is North Korea’s Market Economy?

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
Just how important are North Korea's markets in its overall economy?

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