North Korea nuclear program

What to Make of North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test?
By 38 North / Siegfried S. Hecker
The nuclear test is just one part of a rapid military build up in North Korea over the last decade.

North Korea's 5th Nuclear Test: How Will the World Respond?
By Scott A. Snyder
The Kim regime is counting on more of the same from the international community.

With 5th Nuclear Test, North Korea Exposes World's Limited Policy Options
By John Power
The latest test drives home how little the world can do to stop Pyongyang's nuclear development.

North Korea's SLBMs: China's Role and South Korea's Dilemma
By Kim Tae-woo
What enables poverty-stricken North Korea to pursue SLBM technology? In a word: China.

The Long History of the Pakistan-North Korea Nexus
By Samuel Ramani
From Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to AQ Khan to today, Pakistan's security cooperation with North Korea has a 40 year history.

The One Place in Asia China Would Embrace More US Involvement
By Kerry Brown
Beijing would welcome more engagement between the U.S. and North Korea -- and Washington should consider it.

Human Rights in North Korea: The Real Key to Denuclearization
By Kim Tae-woo
"Improving the human rights situation in North Korea is the alpha and omega of resolving all issues surrounding the North."

Doing Sanctions Right Against North Korea
By Sahand Moarefy
Policymakers should learn the lessons of the Iran deal if they hope to succeed in denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.

North Korea Said It's Willing to Talk Denuclearization (But No One Noticed)
By 38 North / Robert Carlin
Hours before the U.S. Treasury announced sanctions on Kim Jong-un, North Korea issued a breakthrough statement.

THAAD in South Korea: What Does It Really Mean for China?
By Sukjoon Yoon
Are China's concerns over THAAD deployment justified?

Why Economic Sanctions Have Failed Against North Korea
By Dursun Peksen
Decades of sanctions haven't succeeded in changing North Korean behavior. Why not?

Seoul Targets North Korea's Allies in Diplomatic Blitz
By John Power
South Korea continues to court Pyongyang's closest friends: in this case, Cambodia and Laos.