North Korea-Russia relations

Collateral Damage: UN Sanctions on North Korea at Risk in Putin-Trump Dealings
By Aaron Arnold
Neither Trump nor Putin has much incentive to address the North Korea issue, but leaving it off the table risks putting the nail in the coffin of the U.N.'s nonproliferation efforts.

In Handling the North Korea-Russia Alliance, Trump Should Follow Nixon
By Jongsoo Lee
It is high time to improve North Korea-U.S. relations, and the U.S. president-elect is uniquely positioned to do so.

Talks With North Korea Will be Troublesome for Trump
By Troy Stangarone
A second Trump administration is likely to find engaging North Korea more complex this time, thanks to drastically reduced leverage.

Assessing North Korea-Russia Relations
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Rachel Minyoung Lee.

Is North Korea Returning to a Balanced Diplomacy?
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
For North Korea, Russia acts as a counterbalance to China in what appears to be an imitation of the diplomacy of Kim Jong Un’s grandfather.

Belarus’ Foreign Minister Will Visit North Korea for Possible Talks on Russia Cooperation
By Hyung-jin Kim
Maxim Ryzhenkov’s meeting with North Korean officials will likely center on establishing trilateral North Korea-Belarus-Russia partnerships.

Taking Enhanced Russia-North Korea Ties in Stride
By Lyle Goldstein
In the end, enhanced Russia-North Korea ties should not come as a surprise.

Russia-North Korea Treaty Marks a Return to Normalcy
By Dan Gudgeon
We are witnessing a steady return to a web of relations previously regarded as normal after a recent, somewhat exceptional 30-year period.

Why North Korea’s Military Partnership With Russia Is Here to Stay
By Elena Guido and Eric Siyi Zhang
For North Korea’s military-industrial complex, collaboration with Russia creates a self-perpetuating cycle.

South Korea and the US Should Use the Kim-Putin Bromance
By Mitch Shin
Despite Seoul and Washington’s growing fear of the strengthened ties between Russia and North Korea, there is no need to rule out diplomacy and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

In Bid to Be Major Global Player, North Korea Signs New Treaty With Russia
By Shannon Tiezzi
Pyongyang wants to elevate its clout on the world stage through deepened ties with Moscow, but China continues to keep North Korea at arms length.

Putin’s Visit Symbolizes North Korea’s Changing Foreign Policy
By Benjamin Young and Yong Suk Lee
The Russian president’s trip to Pyongyang is a sign of substantial shifts in North Korean ideology and diplomacy. Meanwhile, the U.S. playbook on North Korea has not changed in decades.
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