North Korea-South Korea relations

Fifth Inter-Korean Summit Scheduled for September 2018: What to Expect
By Ankit Panda
North Korea will want economic results from South Korea at the upcoming inter-Korean summit.

The False Promise of South Korea’s Olympic Diplomacy
By Kim Young Ho
The outreach is based on a false idea of national unity rather than an appreciation of the realities the country faces.

An Olympic Feat: North and South Korea Engage in High-Level Talks
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
The focus was on the upcoming Olympic Games, but North Korea agreed to additional military talks.

As Inter-Korean Talks Convene Regarding the Olympics, What Is the Scope for Broader Korean Peninsula Diplomacy?
By Ankit Panda
Has diplomacy already peaked for the year?

South Korea: You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!
By Aidan Foster-Carter
On Liberation Day, let’s take note of Seoul’s many successes.

How Life Goes on in the Shadow of North Korea
By Frank Ahrens
South Koreans have very much their own take on the threat from the North.

13 North Koreans Defect from Overseas Restaurant
By Catherine Putz
A rare mass defection may hint at an uptick in defection.

K-Popaganda on the Korean Border
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Which songs does South Korea choose to broadcast across the border?

Closing Kaesong: South Korea Withdraws from Joint Industrial Park
By Catherine Putz
The decision comes in response to Pyongyang's recent nuclear test and satellite launch.

South Korea Goes Indigenous for Its Missile Defense Needs
By Benjamin David Baker
South Korea's bid to indigenize missile defense will have important ramifications for the U.S.-South Korea relationship.

What We Learned from the Inter-Korea Deal
By David Eunpyoung Jee
South Korea's propaganda broadcasts are a powerful tool in inter-Korean diplomacy.

The Koreas, Bastion of Cold War Realism
By Morgan Potts
A reluctant but pragmatic defense of neorealism in Northeast Asia.