
North Korean defectors

A North Korean Overseas Chinese Man’s Tangled Identities in South Korea

A North Korean Overseas Chinese Man’s Tangled Identities in South Korea

By Eom Tae Yeon
Born in North Korea, ethnically Chinese, and a defector to South Korea, Yu Woo-sung’s high-profile case highlighted the plight of the hwagyo

Another Security Breach at the Inter-Korean Border Reinforces Concerns Over South Korea’s Ability to Protect Itself

Another Security Breach at the Inter-Korean Border Reinforces Concerns Over South Korea’s Ability to Protect Itself

By Jason Bartlett
The fact that an individual can enter and exit the “most heavily fortified border in the world” without capture raises serious concerns.
Unpacking Claims of Secret North Korean Intelligence Operations

Unpacking Claims of Secret North Korean Intelligence Operations

By Jason Bartlett
North Korean intelligence capabilities, tactics, and targets have evolved over the decades.

North Korea Cracks Down on Local Markets, Overseas Defectors

North Korea Cracks Down on Local Markets, Overseas Defectors

By Gabriela Bernal
As COVID-19 continues to hamstring the economy, North Koreans grow increasingly desperate – and the government moves to keep everything under tight control.

North Korea Locks Down Kaesong Over Suspected COVID-19 Case

North Korea Locks Down Kaesong Over Suspected COVID-19 Case

By Associated Press
If confirmed, it would be the country’s first official case – and Pyongyang is already gearing up to blame Seoul.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China Tightens Grips on North Korean Defectors

China Tightens Grips on North Korean Defectors

By Tae-jun Kang
Arrests of North Korean defectors in China are up, even while Beijing moves to control North Korean propaganda within the Great Firewall.

What Do North Korean Defectors Think of the Recent Peninsula Diplomacy?

What Do North Korean Defectors Think of the Recent Peninsula Diplomacy?

By Clint Work
Getting a sense of what an under-represented constituency might think of the North Korean overtures.
North Korean Soldier Makes Dramatic Defection Across the DMZ

North Korean Soldier Makes Dramatic Defection Across the DMZ

By Hyunmin Michael Kang
South Korea’s loudspeaker broadcasting system, pumping K-Pop northward, may have played a role in the man’s defection.

Don't Forget the Treatment of North Korean Defectors

Don't Forget the Treatment of North Korean Defectors

By John Hemmings and Talia Jessener
With all the outrage over Trump's refugee ban, where is the anger over Russia and China's treatment of North Koreans?

North Korean Defectors: Floods More Damaging Than the World Thinks

North Korean Defectors: Floods More Damaging Than the World Thinks

By John Power
North Korean defectors believe official figures far underreport the scale of the disaster.

North Korean Defectors to South Hit 13-Year Low

North Korean Defectors to South Hit 13-Year Low

By John Power
The number of North Korean defectors reaching the South has declined severely since Kim Jong-un took power.
Human Trafficking Thrives Where Rule of Law Ends

Human Trafficking Thrives Where Rule of Law Ends

By Olivia Enos
Solving Asia’s enormous human trafficking problem will require trained law enforcement and non-corrupt judicial systems.

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