Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Once Again, Concerns Arise About China-Pakistan WMD Nexus
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Indian customs officials reportedly intercepted a Malta-flagged merchant ship carrying a computer numerical control machine en route from China to Pakistan.

Japan’s Dilemma Over Nuclear Disarmament
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s refusal to sign the U.N. treaty banning nuclear weapons has exacerbated a Pandora’s box of internal and international criticism.

The Dangerous Naivety of ICAN
By Yukari Easton
Should Japan sign the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which ICAN champions?

Japan Holds Firm Against Nuclear Ban Treaty on Anniversary of Nuclear Bombings
By Daniel Hurst
Shinzo Abe insists that the treaty is unrealistic, but civil society is pushing back.

Can Diplomacy With North Korea Ever Work?
By Björn Alexander Düben
It’s time to be realistic about the prospects of negotiations with Pyongyang.

Keeping the Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Alive
By Nikita Perfilyev
It's time to get serious on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

China, Pakistan, and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
By Rohan Joshi
Recent evidence regarding China's involvement in Pakistan's nuclear program should provoke international scrutiny.

China Confirms Pakistan Nuclear Projects
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Top official confirms extent of the growing Sino-Pakistan nuclear link.
Project Sapphire: 20 Years Later, and Still Relevant
By Dena Sholk
What can be learned from a successful effort to retrieve enriched uranium from Kazakhstan?

Why Does America Only Fear Hypothetical Nukes?
By Zachary Keck
The US foreign policy community is far less concerned with existing nuclear arsenals than potential future ones.

Why Nuclear Weapons Don't Spread (Quickly)
By Zachary Keck
To date, nuclear weapons have spread more slowly than most anticipated. And the pace is slowing even further.

Solving Iran’s Right to Enrich Dilemma: The Taiwan Precedent
The 1972 Shanghai Communique’s language on Taiwan can help solve a thorny P5+1–Iran issue.
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