One Country Two Systems

Hong Kong’s Choiceless Elections: A Cautionary Tale for Taiwan
By Neal E. Robbins
The end of Hong Kong’s once-vibrant political culture rings a clear warning bell for Taiwan.

Will Xi Jinping Make Taiwan a New Offer?
By Jianli Yang
With “one country, two systems” losing its appeal to Taiwan, Xi Jinping tapped top CCP ideologue Wang Huning to craft China’s new Taiwan unification theory.

China’s New White Paper Lays out Vision for Post ‘Reunification’ Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
For the first time, Beijing leaves open the possibility of an extended military occupation after unification, adding to fears that Taiwanese would be subject to a “re-education” campaign.

Xi Defends Vision of Hong Kong on 25th Anniversary of Return
By Zen Soo
Xi Jinping praised the city for overcoming “violent social unrest” and emphasized Beijing’s “comprehensive jurisdiction” over Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s Present Echoes Tibet’s Past
By Simon Shen
In both 1959 Tibet and 2019 Hong Kong, popular dissent became a flashpoint for the end of meaningful autonomy - just as Beijing had planned.

How Identity Politics Overshadowed Hong Kong
By Jin Kai
An interview with Wong Tsz Yuen, senior reporter at Phoenix TV, on the past, present, and future of Hong Kong through the lens of “identity politics.”

China’s Legal Blitzkrieg in Hong Kong
By Ming-Sung Kuo
Beijing’s putsch in Hong Kong through legislation is executed in a way that maximum shock and awe can be felt in the world.

Hong Kong: Law Making and Law Breaking
By Jessie Lau and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
From last year’s protests to the national security law, Hong Kong’s turmoil is largely a question of who gets to make the law – and who gets labeled as breaking it.

Hong Kong National Security Law: The View From Taiwan
By T.Y. Wang
China’s new national security legislation for Hong Kong will only harden Taiwan citizens’ determination to resist Beijing’s unification offer.

Hong Kong Through Water and Fire
By Sebastian Veg
From the mass protests of 2019 to the national security law of 2020.

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?
By Jerome A. Cohen
Parsing the legislative, judicial, and law enforcement implications of the NPC’s “bombshell” decision.

Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support
By Joy Park
The CCP is taking advantage of the the coronavirus crisis to execute its vision of completely stripping Hong Kong of its remaining freedoms.
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