
Ashton Carter’s Pacific Tour Highlights An Enduring US Pivot to Asia
By Benjamin David Baker
The U.S. Secretary of Defense’s ongoing tour in the Pacific demonstrates that the “Pivot to Asia” is still important.

Evolution of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Restraining the ROK
By Leon Whyte
The alliance is about more than just deterring Pyongyang.

The Evolution of the U.S-South Korea Alliance
By Leon Whyte
“For the alliance to continue into the future, it must expand beyond old parameters.”

South Korea Is Planning a Huge Increase in Defense Spending
By Ankit Panda
South Korea will increase its defense spending by over $200 billion over the next five years.

Top US General: North Korea is Making Progress on Asymmetric Capabilities
By Ankit Panda
The commander of U.S. Forces Korea highlighted North Korea's progress in developing asymmetric military capabilities.

South Korean Politics Drive OPCON Transfer
By Steven Denney
The issue of operational control in South Korea has long been held prisoner to fickle domestic politics.

Malaysia Stops Lighthouse Construction in Disputed Waters
By Ankit Panda
Plus, U.S. and South Korea delay OPCON transfer, PLAN adds a mine countermeasure vessel, and life in North Korea. Weekend links.

South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON
By Clint Work
The transfer of wartime operational control is part of larger questions about the US-ROK alliance.

US, South Korea Discuss Operational Control (OPCON) Transfer
By Ankit Panda
The two allies held a high-level meeting to discuss the transfer of wartime operational control of South Korean forces.
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