OPM Hack

China and the Curious Case of the OPM Hack
By Shannon Tiezzi
Rumors and reports on the OPM hack, plus China-Africa, nuclear power, and Beijing's smog. Friday China links.

Americans Are Worried About China, But the Reasons Why Might Surprise You
By Ankit Panda
Americans see a range of problems in U.S.-China relations--some with good reason, others less so.

Sino-US Tensions in Cyberspace: All China’s Fault?
By Greg Austin
China is not the only party responsible for bilateral strife in cyber relations.

Time for the US to Punish China in Cyberspace?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the debate on how Washington should respond.

America Can’t Deter What It Can’t Define in Cyberspace
By Graham Webster
Retaliation without a clearly communicated principle won't deter anything in particular.

Cyber Attacks: Why Retaliating Against China Is the Wrong Reaction
By Jeffrey Carr
Bolstering security measures to foil the next attack, not retaliation, should be the U.S. government's priority.

American Propaganda on the South China Sea and Cyber Space
By Greg Austin
At some point, such propaganda may become a self-fulfilling threat to peace.

This Could Be China's Biggest Defense Deal Yet
By Ankit Panda
Plus, trouble in the Kuril Islands again, a new intelligence war, and more. Weekend links.

How the US Is Trying to Shape Norms in Cyberspace
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Washington appears to be serious about upholding the distinction between commercial versus traditional cyber espionage.

The 2015 US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: What (and What Not) to Expect
By Shannon Tiezzi
Four things to expect from this week's Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
Former US Spymaster: China Could Use OPM Data to Recruit Spies
By Ankit Panda
A former NSA and CIA chief outlines the damage the OPM hack could unleash.
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