Pacific Island Nations

Overseas Workers Could Boost Pacific Prosperity
By Paresh Narayan and Bernard Njindan
As Pacific Island nations navigate their way out of pandemic debt, work abroad schemes could help.

Shifting Models of Sovereignty in the Pacific
By Patricia O’Brien
The ambiguous and evolving status of the Cook Islands and Niue holds lessons for other Pacific powers.

Australia Aims to Broaden Media Engagement in the Indo-Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
Maintaining a well-functioning media ecosystem is in the interests of domestic and regional stability alike.

The Pacific’s Evolving Map
By Patricia O’Brien
The quotidian legacies of colonialism in the Pacific are dramatically shaping the present.

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific
By Ami Bera and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
Cutting funding to multilateral efforts that confront climate change globally is shortsighted. When we help others, no matter how many miles away, we learn how to help ourselves.

Tropical Tug-of-War: China and the West’s Influence Battle in the Pacific
By Shaoyu Yuan
The Pacific is no tranquil backwater but rather a dynamic frontier of global geopolitics.

Pacific Island States Continue Disproportionate Support of Israel at the UN
By Logan Green
As the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly called for a ceasefire in Gaza, why were Pacific Island states overrepresented in opposition, abstention, and absence?

Why the Philippines Needs to Work With the Pacific Island Nations
By Rej Cortez Torrecampo and Karla S. Cruz
In an increasingly complex geopolitical environment, Manila has good reasons to develop relations with other archipelagic states, including those to its south and east.

Ahead of UN Vote, Vanuatu Says: We Must Fight for Climate Justice
By Jotham Napat and Patricia Scotland
If we value human rights and the rule of law, then we must fight for climate justice, argue Vanuatu's foreign minister and the Commonwealth's secretary-general.

America’s Pacific Island Summit: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
By Derek Grossman
The landmark meeting encapsulated both the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. strategy in the region.

Is Corruption a Serious Problem in the Pacific?
By Joshua Mcdonald
A recent report illustrates that the people of the Pacific believe corruption is a massive problem for both them and their governments.

Pacific Island Nations Consider Deep-sea Mining, Despite Risks
By Joshua Mcdonald
Pacific Island nations are contemplating allowing deep-sea mining to bolster their economies, despite unknown environmental impacts.
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