
Pakistan corruption

FATF Delisting Marks Pakistan’s Progress Against Terrorism Financing

FATF Delisting Marks Pakistan’s Progress Against Terrorism Financing

By Mariam Shah
Pakistan has made it off the FATF grey list, but it must not cease its efforts toward countering money laundering and terrorism financing.

Pakistan’s Floods Are a Man-Made Disaster

Pakistan’s Floods Are a Man-Made Disaster

By Kiyya Baloch
It's not just climate change – corruption, bad governance, poor planning, and faulty water management are also to blame for the scale of the current disaster.
Pandora Papers Unravel Imran Khan’s ‘Anti-Corruption’ Narrative

Pandora Papers Unravel Imran Khan’s ‘Anti-Corruption’ Narrative

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The Panama Papers took down Khan’s predecessor. How will his government weather the latest revelations of offshore wealth?

Asim Bajwa Exposé Underlines the Corruption Linking the Pakistan Army and CPEC

Asim Bajwa Exposé Underlines the Corruption Linking the Pakistan Army and CPEC

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
With the backing of the powerful military, it has become all but impossible to raise questions about CPEC -- even when major corruption allegations are made.

Can Pakistan International Airlines Be Saved?

Can Pakistan International Airlines Be Saved?

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
A flawed safety record, troubled finances, and lack of transparency: for many, the PIA is a microcosm of all that ails Pakistan.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Are Imran Khan’s Days as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Numbered?

Are Imran Khan’s Days as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Numbered?

By Daud Khattak
The PTI government's poor performance has apparently alienated even Pakistan's kingmakers: the military.

Pakistan: How ‘Accountability’ Became a Tool for Political Oppression

Pakistan: How ‘Accountability’ Became a Tool for Political Oppression

By Abdul Rehman
Pakistan’s judiciary acknowledges the political victimization of the opposition, backed by military agencies.
Pakistan’s Former President Questioned in Anti-Graft Probe

Pakistan’s Former President Questioned in Anti-Graft Probe

By Munir Ahmed
Critics say the case against Asif Ali Zardari is politically motivated.

Can Imran Khan Really End Corruption in Pakistan?

Can Imran Khan Really End Corruption in Pakistan?

By Zara Qaiser and Alfred M. Wu
As Pakistan fights to curtail corruption, the government can look toward China and India for anti-corruption policies.

Imran Khan: High Hopes, Greater Expectations

Imran Khan: High Hopes, Greater Expectations

By Daud Khattak
Imran Khan is hitting controversies early exactly because his supporters expect so much from his government.

The Political Hurdles for Imran Khan’s Government

The Political Hurdles for Imran Khan’s Government

By Daud Khattak
Ironically, Khan's biggest test will come not from the opposition, but from the groups that supported him.
Can Shehbaz Sharif Escape His Brother's Shadow?

Can Shehbaz Sharif Escape His Brother's Shadow?

By Annam Lodhi
To become prime minister, the long-time ruler of Punjab must overcome his family's scandals.

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