Pakistan economy

Pakistan Under Shehbaz Sharif: The State of the Nation
By Farzana Shaikh
With domestic politics gravely polarized, security increasingly fragile, and the economy barely stable, there is little sign of an end to Pakistan’s chronic dysfunction.

Traders Observe Daylong Strike Across Pakistan to Protest Rising Costs and New Taxes
By Associated Press
Most of the public markets across Pakistan were closed on Wednesday to protest a rise in electricity costs and new taxes imposed on shop owners.

Pakistan’s Economy: Lessons From South Korea
By Waqas Shair and Khurram Shahzad
Pakistan could look to South Korea as a blueprint for economic development by emphasizing efforts to nurture the private sector.

Pakistan and the Global North’s Climate-linked Trade Policy
By Maryam Khan
With the EU and U.S. increasingly using climate targets as trade barriers, Pakistan risks being left behind in the global trend toward sustainability. But it can also be an opportunity for Pakistan to build climate resilience.

How Politics Holds Back Pakistan’s Economy
By Uzair Younus
It is politics, not economics, that is preventing a wholesale turnaround of Pakistan’s broader trajectory.

What Are the Prospects for Reviving India-Pakistan Trade?
By Waleed Sami
India-Pakistan trade has been especially difficult since 2019. What would it take for the neighbors to overcome present barriers to trade?

Pakistan Government Sets the Stage for Reforms: Will the Public Embrace Change?
By Umair Jamal
Among other reforms, it is considering privatizing dozens of loss-making state-owned enterprises.

Strategic Policy Needed for Pakistan’s SMEs
By Rameen Shahid
Implementing a proactive strategic policy for Pakistani SMEs is imperative, as the performance of domestic industries is the biggest advertisement for outsiders to follow suit and invest in the country.

Pakistani Business Leaders Pitch for Trade Talks With India
By Umair Jamal
But the country’s aggressive posturing against India will make it difficult for the government to take the process forward.

Pakistan’s New Cabinet Indicates Military’s Influence
By Umair Jamal
Key ministries have been assigned to those the establishment deems reliable.

New Pakistani Government Seeks Another Bailout From IMF
By Umair Jamal
Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Imran Khan has asked the Fund not to extend a loan to Pakistan unless an audit of the controversial election is done.

Pakistan’s Election: Who’s Running, What’s the Mood, and Will Anything Change?
By Riazat Butt
People on the street say they don't believe things will be different after this election.
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