Pakistan military-civilian power struggle
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Taha Siddiqui on Pakistan’s Muzzled Media
By Aaquib Khan
The well-known journalist is living in exile after narrowly escaping an abduction attempt by gunmen.

Why the Pakistan Army Is Vying to Influence the General Elections
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The upcoming election is about more than Nawaz Sharif – or even Pakistani democracy.

Why Do Coups Happen in Pakistan?
By Muhammad Daim Fazil
The three factors behind Pakistan's past (and perhaps future) coups.

Why Pakistan's Foreign Policy Is So Confused
By Deedar Hussain Samejo
Pakistan's civilian government and the military are working to different ends in their diplomatic efforts.

Is Pakistan at Risk for a Coup?
By Muhammad Daim Fazil
After a failed attempt in Turkey, Pakistan remains at risk for its own military coup.

Pakistan's Black Day
By Ahsan Chaudhary
How the military engineered its July 5, 1977 coup, leading to 11 years of martial law.
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