Pakistan Punjab

How Lahore’s Smog Crisis Endangers Women’s Health and Fertility
By Fizza Abbas
There is a gender gap in the impact of air pollution, which could produce a future fertility crisis in Pakistan.

Why Are the Sindhis Protesting in Pakistan?
By Osama Ahmad
A plan to construct canals in southern Punjab has alarmed residents of Sindh Province, who fear their already scarce water “is going to be taken away.”

Muslim Mobs Attack Churches in Pakistan After Accusing Christians of Desecrating the Quran
By Asim Tanveer and Munir Ahmed
A death sentence for blasphemy has never been carried out. But often, an accusation alone can trigger riots and incite mobs to violence.

Pakistan’s Former PM Imran Khan Is on the Comeback Trail
By Umair Jamal
With his party’s victory in the Punjab by-elections, he is pushing for early general elections. Will his opponents in the civilian and military establishment concede his demand?

As Imran Khan Seeks a Comeback, All Eyes on By-Elections in Pakistan’s Punjab
By Umair Jamal
Will Imran Khan’s targeting of the military establishment help his party win seats?
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