
Pakistan terror attacks

Another Attack on Chinese Nationals in Pakistan Puts CPEC Back Under Scrutiny

Another Attack on Chinese Nationals in Pakistan Puts CPEC Back Under Scrutiny

By Asfandiyar
In recent years, Chinese projects and nationals have continuously faced terror threats across the country.
Captured Commander Calls for Peace, But Balochistan Insurgency Rages on

Captured Commander Calls for Peace, But Balochistan Insurgency Rages on

By Patrick Yeager
Gulzar Imam's arrest has only had a negligible effect on the fighting in Pakistan's poorest province.

Pakistan’s Cricket League Rises Above the Country’s Troubles

Pakistan’s Cricket League Rises Above the Country’s Troubles

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
With the country facing an economic and political crisis, plus a resurgence of terrorism, the Pakistan Super League offers the public a much-needed respite.

Pakistan’s Alarming Rise in Terrorism Is Fueled by Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Alarming Rise in Terrorism Is Fueled by Afghanistan

By Muhammad Nawaz Khan
Data on the number and location of terrorist attacks in Pakistan show a concentration near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Pakistan Scrambles for New Approach Against TTP After Peshawar Attack

Pakistan Scrambles for New Approach Against TTP After Peshawar Attack

By Umair Jamal
Islamabad will need to focus on the TTP and the terrorism problem rather than be diverted by provincial elections at this point.
Pakistani Court Sentences Militant Linked to 2008 Mumbai Attacks

Pakistani Court Sentences Militant Linked to 2008 Mumbai Attacks

By Munir Ahmed and Asim Tanveer
Sajid Mir's sentencing could be part of part of Pakistan’s efforts to get off the grey list of the Financial Action Task Force.

The Emerging IS Threat in Pakistan

The Emerging IS Threat in Pakistan

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Given Pakistan's lax approach to religious extremist groups, it was only a matter of time before IS reared its ugly head.
Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

By Shahid Afzal Khan
A recent spate of attacks is adding weight to fears that the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan poses a security nightmare for Pakistan.

What Explains the Timing of Pakistan’s Anti-India Dossier?

What Explains the Timing of Pakistan’s Anti-India Dossier?

By Umair Jamal
Islamabad has come forward with evidence about India’s role in spreading terrorism in Pakistan. That might be a politically smart move.

The Return of Militancy in Pakistan

The Return of Militancy in Pakistan

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
After a few years of relative peace, militant groups are on the rise again – and at a dangerous time for Pakistan.

Bangladesh Squad Returns to Pakistan for First Cricket Test Match Since 2003

Bangladesh Squad Returns to Pakistan for First Cricket Test Match Since 2003

By Associated Press
It’s another step forward for Pakistani cricket, as security concerns previously prevented the country from hosting international matches.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the 'Good Taliban'

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the 'Good Taliban'

By Syed Arfeen
Pakistan believes Afghanistan is harboring terrorists that conduct cross-border attacks; Kabul says the same.

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