
Pakistan terrorism

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FATF Delisting Marks Pakistan’s Progress Against Terrorism Financing

FATF Delisting Marks Pakistan’s Progress Against Terrorism Financing

By Mariam Shah
Pakistan has made it off the FATF grey list, but it must not cease its efforts toward countering money laundering and terrorism financing.
Renewed Sectarian Tensions Risk Radicalizing Crisis-hit Pakistan

Renewed Sectarian Tensions Risk Radicalizing Crisis-hit Pakistan

By Liam Gibson
Radicalization of the historically moderate Barelvi sub-sect and rapid growth of the local Islamic State chapter could trigger a new wave of inter-communal violence.

Police File Terrorism Charges Against Pakistan’s Imran Khan

Police File Terrorism Charges Against Pakistan’s Imran Khan

By Munir Ahmed
The charges came over a speech he made recently, vowing to sue police officers and a judge over the alleged torture of a close aide.

The Emerging IS Threat in Pakistan

The Emerging IS Threat in Pakistan

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Given Pakistan's lax approach to religious extremist groups, it was only a matter of time before IS reared its ugly head.

Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan

By Shahid Afzal Khan
A recent spate of attacks is adding weight to fears that the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan poses a security nightmare for Pakistan.
New Zealand Abandons Cricket Tour of Pakistan Over Security Concerns

New Zealand Abandons Cricket Tour of Pakistan Over Security Concerns

By Rizwan Ali
New Zealand Cricket called off its first match in Pakistan in 18 years, even though Pakistan’s government insisted that “no security threat of any kind exists.”

Pakistan Targets a Resurgent TTP as Uncertainty Looms in Afghanistan

Pakistan Targets a Resurgent TTP as Uncertainty Looms in Afghanistan

By Umair Jamal
The withdrawal of U.S. troops raises questions about Pakistan’s ability to target TTP militants in Afghanistan.
What Is the Significance of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s Latest Attack in Quetta?

What Is the Significance of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s Latest Attack in Quetta?

By Umair Jamal
The attack on Serena Hotel, far outside TTP's usual operating area, is an extremely worrying sign that the group has regained its old strength.

Pakistan Has Contributed Significantly to the Fight Against Terrorism

Pakistan Has Contributed Significantly to the Fight Against Terrorism

By Adeel Mukhtar Mirza
Its time the international community, especially the United States, acknowledge that.

What Explains the Timing of Pakistan’s Anti-India Dossier?

What Explains the Timing of Pakistan’s Anti-India Dossier?

By Umair Jamal
Islamabad has come forward with evidence about India’s role in spreading terrorism in Pakistan. That might be a politically smart move.

Pakistan Will Remain in the FATF Grey List – But That’s Not Enough

Pakistan Will Remain in the FATF Grey List – But That’s Not Enough

By Mariam Solaimankhail
At a time when Islamabad, with Beijing’s backing, desperately seeks to escape the clutches of the task force, it must introspect on its efforts.
Pakistan Remains in the UN Terror Financing Grey Zone

Pakistan Remains in the UN Terror Financing Grey Zone

By Husain Haqqani
Pakistan has failed in letter and spirit to disrupt and dismantle terrorist financial infrastructure despite repeated warnings.

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