
Pakistan water crisis

The Role of Water Governance in Pakistan’s Water Crisis

The Role of Water Governance in Pakistan’s Water Crisis

By Atal Ahmadzai
The securitization of water governance in Pakistan does not actually help mitigate the water crisis in the country.

India’s Dams and Pakistan’s Water Crisis

India’s Dams and Pakistan’s Water Crisis

By Safina Nabi and Syeda Sana Batool
The country is being strangled by a chronic water shortage that stands to exacerbate tensions with its giant eastern neighbor.
Climate Change Takes Toll on Fruit Farming in South Waziristan

Climate Change Takes Toll on Fruit Farming in South Waziristan

By Mansoor Ali
In the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas, a lack of rain is decimating crops – and the local economy.

Pakistan’s Water Crisis

Pakistan’s Water Crisis

By Osama Rizvi
While Pakistan's financial crisis is getting much media attention, the water crisis, its most pressing problem, is being ignored.

The Cost of Pakistan’s Dam Obsession

The Cost of Pakistan’s Dam Obsession

By Usmaan Farooqui
Dams may seem to be a perfect solution to Pakistan’s water woes, but they carry steep costs – literally and figuratively.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Pakistan and the Dam Fund

Pakistan and the Dam Fund

By Tehreem Azeem
Can Pakistan crowdfund itself two dams and thus out of a looming water crisis?

Thirsty Days Ahead: Pakistan’s Looming Water Crisis

Thirsty Days Ahead: Pakistan’s Looming Water Crisis

By Muhammad Mohsin Raza
Pakistan is running out of fresh water at an alarming rate.
Gwadar’s Water Crisis

Gwadar’s Water Crisis

By Mariyam Suleman
Gwadar, the regional hub of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor struggles with continuous water crisis after years of chronic water shortages.

Why India Must Refrain From a Water War With Pakistan

Why India Must Refrain From a Water War With Pakistan

By Muhammad Daim Fazil
Threatening Pakistan's water supply will have a negative impact on India and all of South Asia.

Interview: The India-Pakistan Water Dispute

Interview: The India-Pakistan Water Dispute

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Can the decades-long tensions over access to diminishing water resources ever be solved?

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