Papua New Guinea

Maternal Health in Papua New Guinea
By Georgia Eccles
Limited public healthcare and misinformation have given PNG the highest maternal mortality rate in the Asia-Pacific.

Papua New Guinea: 40 Years After Independence
By Helen Clark
A former Australian colony celebrates a milestone.

Sorcery and Sexism in Papua New Guinea
By Helen Clark
Witchcraft killings are proving to be one of the country’s most persistent problems.

New Zealand's Mass Surveillance of Pacific States Exposed
By Ankit Panda
New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau conducts mass surveillance of several Pacific states.

PNG: The World’s Biggest Grower in 2015?
By Elliot Brennan
Forecasts that have Papua New Guinea’s economy surging this year seem to be missing a few problems.

Papua New Guinea’s Tragic Witch-Hunts
By Dana MacLean
Every year, dozens of men, women and children are brutally murdered on accusations of witchcraft or sorcery.

Abe’s Oceania Deals Point to China Tensions
By Clint Richards
The scope, pace and intent of recent agreements suggest an intent to circumvent Beijing.

The Three Pillars of Abe’s Oceania Tour
By Clint Richards
Japan will seek to build on progress in energy, defense and trade with its regional partners next month.

PNG’s Prime Minister Served With Arrest Warrant
By Jarni Blakkarly
Peter O’Neill is refusing to turn himself in for questioning in relation to a corruption investigation.

Papua New Guinea Begins LNG Exports
By Kevin Placek
In an economic milestone for the country, a major LNG project makes its first shipment.

Free Papua Movement Leader Danny Kogoya Vows to Fight On
Danny Kogoya has called on leaders living abroad to return home to fight for West Papuan independence.

BHP Billiton, Versus Papua New Guinea
Australian mining firm BHP Billiton and Papua New Guinea’s government have gone to battle over the Ok Tedi Mine.