Pearl Harbor
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Why Nuclear Weapons Work
By Zachary Keck
Far from being a myth, nuclear deterrence is nearly an ironclad law.

Strategy 101: Know Thy Enemy, Know Thy Self
By James R. Holmes
Isoroku Yamamoto and Admiral Chester Nimitz's strategies were reciprocals of each other.

US Asia Policy: Straight From the 1930s
By Zachary Keck
U.S. policy to China today closely resembles the policy it pursed toward Japan… before Pearl Harbor

Preserving History and The Long Peace
By James R. Holmes
War and peace are too complex to attribute to generational change alone. Still, preserving history can’t hurt.

How Pearl Harbor Shaped US Submarine Doctrine
US subs were used defensively before Pearl Harbor, which transformed them into an offensive, decentralized force.

History Lesson: The Battle of Java Sea
On the heels of Pearl Harbor, Allied forces were handed a crushing defeat by the Japanese. The battle has lessons for today’s military planners.

Adapting to Change
Massive shocks that shatter outdated ways of transacting business are few and far between.

Top 5 Naval Battles of the Asia-Pacific
By James R. Holmes
The Asia-Pacific has certainly seen its share of battles. Which one do you think will take the top spot?

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part III
U.S. commanders should be narrow-minded when plotting a Pacific offensive (in geospatial terms, anyway).

Why Didn't Japan Finish Job?
The attack on Pearl Harbor could have been even worse for the United States. Why did Japan hold back?
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