Pheu Thai Party (PTP)

Thai Parliamentary Speaker Indefinitely Postpones Next Prime Ministerial Vote
By Sebastian Strangio
The two houses of Parliament were due to convene on July 27, but will now await a Constitutional Court ruling questioning the blocked renomination of MFP leader Pita Limjaroenrat.

Move Forward Supporters Gather in Bangkok to Protest Obstructed PM Bid
By Sebastian Strangio
The 1,000-strong demonstration at the capital's busy Asok intersection could be a harbinger of further unrest to come.

Pita’s Prime Ministerial Bid Has Ended. What’s Next For Thai Politics?
By Sebastian Strangio
By obstructing the Move Forward Party from forming the government, conservative forces are courting political crisis.

Thai Parliament Blocks Pita From Being Renominated for Prime Minister
By Grant Peck and Jintamas Saksornchai
After Pita Limjaroenrat of the Move Forward Party was blocked from a second attempt at being confirmed, Parliament adjourned without ever voting on a PM.

Thai Parliament Readies for Second Prime Ministerial Vote
By Sebastian Strangio
The chances of Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat securing the necessary support are growing slimmer.

Thailand’s Move Forward Party Leader Pita Falls Short in Parliamentary Vote for Prime Minister
By Grant Peck and Jintamas Saksornchai
The inconclusive finish to Thursday’s voting sets the stage for another ballot, which is expected next week.

Thailand’s Prime Ministerial Vote Set for July 13
By Sebastian Strangio
Nearly two months on from the general election in May, it is still unclear whether the victorious Move Forward Party will be able to form the country's next government.

Thai Parliament Picks Veteran Politician as Speaker Ahead of PM Vote
By Sebastian Strangio
Wan Muhamad Noor Matha was the compromise candidate after the two largest opposition parties failed to agree who should occupy the important post.

Thai Opposition Parties Settle Dispute Over House Speaker Role
By Sebastian Strangio
The Pheu Thai Party has reportedly agreed to the Move Forward Party taking the role of house speaker, in exchange for the two deputy house speaker posts.

Cracks Are Appearing in Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Coalition
By Tita Sanglee
Beneath a facade of unity, the country's two main opposition parties continue to jostle for advantage.

Snares and Traps: Thai Politics After the May Election
By Punchada Sirivunnabood
If the victorious Move Forward Party is unable to garner the votes to form the country's next government, an alternative is lurking in the wings.

Where Does Thailand’s Politics Go From Here?
Aim Sinpeng, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, and Gregory Raymond discuss Thailand's political landscape after the 2023 elections.