
Philippines war on drugs

Philippine Court Drops Final Drug Charge Against Leading Duterte Critic

Philippine Court Drops Final Drug Charge Against Leading Duterte Critic

By Sebastian Strangio
Former Senator Leila de Lima is finally free of the seven-year, politically motivated legal ordeal.

Prominent Duterte Critic Released on Bail in the Philippines

Prominent Duterte Critic Released on Bail in the Philippines

By Sebastian Strangio
Former Senator Leila De Lima has walked free on bail after nearly seven years in prison on charges that her supporters say were politically motivated.
Alarming Pattern of Killings Continues in the Philippines

Alarming Pattern of Killings Continues in the Philippines

By Mong Palatino
This year has seen a series of armed ambushes of local government officials. Meanwhile, the "war on drugs" continues.

Drug Arrest of Minister’s Son a Test of Philippine Judicial Independence

Drug Arrest of Minister’s Son a Test of Philippine Judicial Independence

By Sebastian Strangio
Juanito Jose Remulla III was arrested last week for the possession of a large quantity of high-grade marijuana.

In UN Speech, Duterte Promises Accountability for ‘Drug War’ Excesses

In UN Speech, Duterte Promises Accountability for ‘Drug War’ Excesses

By Sebastian Strangio
The promise came a week after the International Criminal Court announced a probe into the violent anti-drug campaign.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Police Killing Leads to Calls for Reform in the Philippines

Police Killing Leads to Calls for Reform in the Philippines

By Nick Aspinwall
An apparently drunk officer killed a 52-year-old mother, leading the country’s new police chief to order some police to wear body cameras.

UN Rights Office Criticizes ‘Impunity’ and ‘Systematic’ Violence of Philippines Drug War

UN Rights Office Criticizes ‘Impunity’ and ‘Systematic’ Violence of Philippines Drug War

By Nick Aspinwall
The UN rights chief slammed the drug war, adding fuel to calls for an international investigation. The Philippine government responded by promising to investigate drug war killings.
Human Rights Watch Report Details Harm to Children, Urges UN Probe Into Philippine Drug War

Human Rights Watch Report Details Harm to Children, Urges UN Probe Into Philippine Drug War

By Nick Aspinwall
A new report details the suffering of children who lose fathers and relatives in President Rodrigo Duterte’s deadly drug war.

How the Philippine Government Gets the Concept of ‘Intervention’ Wrong

How the Philippine Government Gets the Concept of ‘Intervention’ Wrong

By Gemmo Fernandez
Yes, international law proscribes interference in domestic affairs. But the human rights criticisms of the Duterte administration don’t rise to that level.

Does the Philippines’ War on Drugs Amount to Crimes Against Humanity?

Does the Philippines’ War on Drugs Amount to Crimes Against Humanity?

By Adrian Gallagher, Euan Raffle, and Zain Maulana
An examination of the charge and how it would apply in the Philippines.

What Will 700 New Drones Mean for the Philippines?

What Will 700 New Drones Mean for the Philippines?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at the boost’s potential significance.
In Philippine ‘Drug War,’ a Pervading Helplessness

In Philippine ‘Drug War,’ a Pervading Helplessness

By Carlos H. Conde
Victims’ relatives seeking justice hit a brick wall two years on.

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