

Maritime Security in the Asia-Pacific: Measuring Challenges and Progress

Maritime Security in the Asia-Pacific: Measuring Challenges and Progress

By Jay Benson
Only by seeking to measure maritime security dynamics in uniform and rigorous ways can we begin to understand the scope of the challenges and make progress.
Dealing With Piracy in Asia Requires Clear Data

Dealing With Piracy in Asia Requires Clear Data

By Robert Farley
Can scholars play a more prominent role in regional discussions on piracy?

Lessons in Military Cooperation From Indian Ocean Counter-Piracy Ops

Lessons in Military Cooperation From Indian Ocean Counter-Piracy Ops

By Robert Farley
What can the lessons of naval cooperation in countering piracy off Somalia teach us?

With Over 50 Navies Participating, India Concludes 2016 International Fleet Review

With Over 50 Navies Participating, India Concludes 2016 International Fleet Review

By Ankit Panda
In remarks Modi emphasized that the "oceans are the lifelines of global prosperity."

Evaluating India-Africa Maritime Relations

Evaluating India-Africa Maritime Relations

By Abhijit Singh
Partnering Africa requires that India work with it in the maritime realm.
Fighting Piracy: Is a Grand Asian Strategy Possible?

Fighting Piracy: Is a Grand Asian Strategy Possible?

By Nilanthan Niruthan
A region-wide approach will be needed to effectively tackle a growing menace.

Piracy in the Malacca Strait: Can ASEAN Respond?

Piracy in the Malacca Strait: Can ASEAN Respond?

By Laura Southgate
The bloc needs to prove its credibility in tackling transnational threats.
Southeast Asia’s Piracy Headache

Southeast Asia’s Piracy Headache

By Miha Hribernik
The region saw a spike in piracy in 2014, and attacks became more deadly.

ReCAAPing Asia's Fight Against Pirates

ReCAAPing Asia's Fight Against Pirates

ReCAAP is Asia’s mechanism to fight maritime piracy and an example of successful multilateralism.

China and the International Antipiracy Effort

China and the International Antipiracy Effort

Preferring to go it alone, Beijing still makes positive parallel contributions. Part two of a two-part series.

The Gulf of Guinea: Jack Sparrow’s New Haunt?

The Gulf of Guinea: Jack Sparrow’s New Haunt?

Pirates have moved from the Gulf of Aden, to the Gulf of Guinea. This should make them easy prey.

Pirates of the Southeast Asian Seas

Pirates of the Southeast Asian Seas

Southeast Asian waters experience more pirate attacks than anywhere else in the world.

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