

Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed

Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed

By Ankit Panda
It does appear, though, that there's a path of confrontation ahead for the United States and China.

Trump and Southeast Asia: Sustaining the Maritime Pivot

Trump and Southeast Asia: Sustaining the Maritime Pivot

By Koh Swee Lean Collin
The new administration needs to rethink deterrence in the South China Sea.
For a Grand Bargain with China

For a Grand Bargain with China

By Amitai Etzioni
A new book lays out a comprehensive and detailed Asian foreign policy for the United States.

America’s Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: On Track

America’s Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: On Track

By Janine Davidson and Lauren Dickey
The Asia rebalance is the most misunderstood foreign policy initiative of the Obama presidency.

The U.S. Needs a Refocused Rebalance

The U.S. Needs a Refocused Rebalance

By Karam Singh Sethi
A true focus on Asia is critical not only to compete with China, but to stay relevant in the 21st century.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China and Russia vs. the United States?

China and Russia vs. the United States?

By Huiyun Feng
Just how likely are China and Russia to ally against the U.S.?

Japan and the ‘Counter-Pivot’

Japan and the ‘Counter-Pivot’

By Robert Dujarric
With the U.S. increasingly engaged elsewhere, should Japan do more for regional security itself?
What the Ukraine Crisis Means for Asia

What the Ukraine Crisis Means for Asia

By Nadège Rolland
The impact of the crisis will continue to be felt across Asia this year.

2014 in Review: Top 5 Events for U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia

2014 in Review: Top 5 Events for U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia

By Robert E. Kelly
A look at some of the biggest issues confronting U.S. diplomats over the course of the year.

How to Measure the Success of Obama’s Trip to Asia

How to Measure the Success of Obama’s Trip to Asia

By Jared Genser
The U.S. president has the opportunity to score a number of economic and human-rights legacy achievements.

Obama in Asia: Rebalancing the Pivot

Obama in Asia: Rebalancing the Pivot

By Reid Lidow
During his visit to Asia, the president has the opportunity to revive a floundering policy.
Is There an Obama Doctrine?

Is There an Obama Doctrine?

By Robert E. Kelly
In year 6 of his presidency, does Barack Obama have a foreign policy doctrine?

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