
China’s New Defense White Paper: Reading Between the Lines
By Ben Lowsen
Beijing walks a tightrope between peace and its conception of great power status.

China-Singapore Military Ties in Focus With Army Exercise
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance of recently announced steps by both sides to strengthen security ties.

Why New Delhi Will Be Left Unfazed By China’s New Defense White Paper
By Abhijnan Rej
For India, China’s latest defense white paper is unlikely to shock and surprise.

China to Release New White Paper on National Defense: What to Expect
By Ankit Panda
China’s strategic environment and capabilities have transformed considerably in the four years since the last document.

Anatomy of a Taiwan Invasion, Part 3: Taiwan's Countermeasures
By Rick Joe
A look at Taiwan's military force posture and procurement amid advances in capability by China's PLA.

Andrew Erickson and Ryan Martinson on China and the Maritime Gray Zone
By Prashanth Parameswaran
How China thinks about and acts in the maritime gray zone, and what that means for the region’s future.

Challenges for the US in China’s Military Modernization
By Ankit Panda
China’s military modernization continues to be a major challenge for the U.S. in the Indo-Pacific.

How China’s Military Manages Interservice Competition
By Robert Farley
How does the People’s Liberation Army manage a common challenge for any large military?

Anatomy of a Taiwan Invasion Part 2: Missile and Naval Domains
By Rick Joe
What would be the role of China's missile and naval forces in an invasion of Taiwan?

Anatomy of a Taiwan Invasion: The Air Domain
By Rick Joe
How would the PLA use its air power in a Taiwan invasion in a late 2019 time frame?

The Relationship Between the Size of China’s Economy and Its Military Posture
By Robert Farley
The relative sizes of the Chinese and U.S. economies are close to that of the Japanese and U.S. economies in the interwar period.

From the Dreadnought to Modern Stealth: Seeking Military Technological Superiority
By Robert Farley
Which military technologies are the most difficult to master for would-be U.S. competitors?