plastic pollution

Indonesia’s Ban on Importing Plastic Waste Met With Cautious Optimism From Campaigners
By Michael Neilson
The country has become a “dumping ground” for the developed world’s waste. Will an import ban bring real change or wind up being toothless?

Busan Was a Major Political Win on Plastic Pollution, Even If Not a Procedural One
By Arpita Bhagat
The political dynamics, narratives, and numbers are conditioned in favor of a strong agreement now.

From Paradise to Plastics Pollution: Bali’s Battle Against Marine Plastics Debris
By Emenda Sembiring, Attar Hikmahtiar Ramadan, and Elprida Agustina
Bali has a unique opportunity to address plastic waste by integrating sustainable practices into the tourism experience.

Global Plastic Treaty Talks Offer Final Hope to Protect Pacific Island Oceans
By Albert Taaviri Kaitara Nicholas
“Plastic pollution is fueling the climate crisis that poses an existential threat to our people.”

Why South Korea’s Leadership Is Critical for a Successful Global Plastics Treaty
By Doun Moon
South Korea, despite its key position as the host nation of the fifth INC, has maintained an ambiguous stance on reducing plastic production.

A Just Transition for Asia’s Waste Pickers
By Nalini Shekar and Geetanjali Sharma
Waste pickers manage approximately 60 percent of the world’s plastic waste that is collected for recycling. Responsibly eliminating plastic pollution necessitates carefully managing and minimizing the associated challenges.

The Double-Edged Sword of Plastics in Asia’s Healthcare
By Michelle Reyes and Donna Mae Ocmeja
PPE, syringes, and other single-use plastics in the medical sector are a major contributor to the plastic problem. But the industry can be part of the solution, too.

Southeast Asian States’ Position in Global Plastics Treaty Negotiation: A Case of Maladministration?
By Rayhan Dudayev and Fajri Fadhillah
If governments abandon their responsibility to secure their citizens' health through a strong Global Plastics Treaty, they could face legal liability.

Road to Busan for a Plastic-free Future
By Jed Alegado
Asia-Pacific countries could prove critical to ensuring the treaty addresses not only waste management, but the root issue of plastic production.

Global Plastics Treaty Will Test Japan’s Clean Image
By Hirotaka Koike
As one of the negotiators representing the Asia-Pacific, Japan's reluctance to embrace agreed global rules capping plastics use is concerning.

China Tackles Its Plastic Problem
By Eleanor Albert
Ambitious new reforms seek to cut down on China’s plastic addiction.

Asia Will No Longer Tolerate Being a Plastic Waste Dump
By Mageswari Sangaralingam and Sam Cossar
China set the trend of refusing foreign plastic waste. Now other Asian countries are following suit.
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