plastic waste

Global Plastic Treaty Talks Offer Final Hope to Protect Pacific Island Oceans
By Albert Taaviri Kaitara Nicholas
“Plastic pollution is fueling the climate crisis that poses an existential threat to our people.”

To Solve the Plastic Crisis, We Must Phase out Production
By Xuan Quach
Promoting recycling without a systems change that unlocks drastic reduction of plastics is merely greenwashing.

Southeast Asian States’ Position in Global Plastics Treaty Negotiation: A Case of Maladministration?
By Rayhan Dudayev and Fajri Fadhillah
If governments abandon their responsibility to secure their citizens' health through a strong Global Plastics Treaty, they could face legal liability.

Asia-Pacific States Must Divorce Their Industry Friends for a Strong Global Plastics Treaty
By Arpita Bhagat
With just two meetings left to finalize the treaty text, the significance of the current Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting cannot be overstated.

Time to End ‘Waste Colonialism’ Through a Global Plastics Treaty
By Mageswari Sangaralingam
Developed countries need to stop exporting their plastic trash to Asian countries under the guise of “recycling.”

In Run-up to G-20 Summit, Japan Eyes Plastic Waste Problem
By Daniel Hurst
A ministerial meeting focused on marine plastic waste and other environmental issues.

Asia Stands up to 'Waste Colonialism'
By Shona Warren
Developing nations in Asia are no longer willing to receive metric tonnes of untreated, unsorted rubbish.

Asia Will No Longer Tolerate Being a Plastic Waste Dump
By Mageswari Sangaralingam and Sam Cossar
China set the trend of refusing foreign plastic waste. Now other Asian countries are following suit.
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