
precision-guided munitions

The Antiship Mine Gets New Wings

The Antiship Mine Gets New Wings

By Col. Mike “Starbaby” Pietrucha
Last used successfully in the Vietnam War, the air-delivered antiship mine is making a comeback.

New Wrinkles in Maritime Warfare

New Wrinkles in Maritime Warfare

By Col Michael W. “Starbaby” Pietrucha
The advent of precision capabilities for the antiship mine is revolutionary.
No More Easy Victories for the U.S. Military?

No More Easy Victories for the U.S. Military?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
America's enemies have gone to school and are developing counter-strategies to challenge its military supremacy.

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report attempts to shed light on how precision-guided weapons will impact future maritime battles.

Why D-Day Would Fail Today

Why D-Day Would Fail Today

By Zachary Keck
Modern defense technology has made seaborne invasions all the more difficult.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge

The Political Utility of China’s A2/AD Challenge

By Zachary Keck
Anti-Access/Area Denial is often seen purely in military terms. It’s much bigger than that.

Precision Strike Technology Goes Global

Precision Strike Technology Goes Global

By Robert Farley
Surviving a world of diffuse precision strike is a strategic and organizational problem for the US military.
How Fake Missiles Pose Real Threats

How Fake Missiles Pose Real Threats

Experts say that North Korea’s missile mock-ups are advancing rapidly. The US and its allies should be alarmed.

India Eyes Drone-Launched Smart Bombs

India Eyes Drone-Launched Smart Bombs

An Indian official says Delhi will soon test miniaturized precision-guided munitions for its UAVs.

The Globalization of Precision Strike

The Globalization of Precision Strike

Plus, South Korea wants to militarize robots. Tuesday defense and security links.

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