preemptive strike on North Korea

Where the US Went Wrong on North Korea
By Mitch Lerner
The harm to American interests as a direct result of the Trump-Kim meeting may prove to be quite significant indeed.

Still No US Ambassador in South Korea
By Clint Work
With Victor Cha's nomination scrapped, Washington is no closer to filling a crucial position in its ally's capital.

What Can Trump Learn From Kissinger on North Korea?
By Joseph Bosco
Trump's approach toward China and North Korea may be taking a page from Kissinger's book.

What It Would Really Take for a US Preemptive Strike on North Korea
By Yuki Tatsumi
The U.S. would need to coordinate closely with South Korea, Japan, and China before taking any military action.

The North Korean Endgame
By Liubomir K. Topaloff
There is only one feasible choice for solving the issue: treat Pyongyang as a rational actor.

The Real Risk of US Military Force Against North Korea
By Daniel Amick
The recent U.S. strikes on Syria and Afghanistan could pose a disturbing lesson for the North Korea issue.

US 'Fully Prepared' to Shoot Down North Korea's Test Missiles
By John Power
It's the latest hint of a more militarized U.S. response to the North Korea problem.

What Tillerson's Asia Trip Means for North Korea
By John Power
What the secretary of state's comments tell us about the Trump administration's North Korea policy.

Trump Administration Puts Military Action Against North Korea Back on the Table
By John Power
Once taboo, the military option enters Washington's North Korea debate.

The 'China Factor' in US North Korea Policy
By 38 North/ John Delury
Evaluating China's likely response to the policies advocated by U.S. hawks, doves, and "boas."
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