Qosh Tepa Canal

Could Afghanistan’s Qoshtepa Canal Worsen Water Scarcity in Central Asia?
By Andrew Kuchins and Elvira Aidarkhanova
The canal's completion could exacerbate regional conflict, but also presents an opportunity for regional cooperation.

Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities
By Eldaniz Gusseinov
Ashgabat has a delicate balance to maintain between hewing to its traditional neutrality and mitigating potential threats from Afghanistan.

The Qosh Tepa Canal: A Source of Hope in Afghanistan
By Freshta Jalalzai
While the canal project is a source of promise, it faces many challenges, not the least of which is unease in Central Asia about water security.

Trade and Transit Top Agenda as Uzbek Delegation Visits Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
A large Uzbek delegation visited Kabul over the weekend, with trade and transit issues under discussion.

The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
By Niginakhon Saida
As the Taliban rush to complete the Qosh Tepa canal, Central Asia’s water security is at risk.

Afghanistan Seeks to Control Its Own Water Destiny
By Patrick Yeager
The Taliban’s plan to upgrade Afghanistan’s water infrastructure is raising tensions with neighboring countries.

What Afghanistan’s Qosh Tepa Canal Means for Central Asia
By Seamus Duffy
The Qosh Tepa canal issue essentially forces the Central Asian nations in the Amu Darya basin to make tradeoffs between regional instability and internal instability.
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