
With the ICJ’s Verdict on Kulbhushan Jadhav Near, How Will India and Pakistan React?
By Umair Jamal
What will become of Kulbushan Jadhav’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

What the Kulbhushan Jadhav Saga Reveals About India and Pakistan’s Balochistan Problems
By Ahsan Butt
India’s Quint published and deleted a story alleging that Jadhav was indeed spying for India. What does that tell us?

Of Moles and Mysteries: Pakistan and India’s Deepening Spy Wars
By Umair Jamal
India and Pakistan continue to find new reasons to expand their already enduring and entrenched conflict.

Declassified: How India Tracked Pakistan’s Development of a Nuclear Device
By Vivek Prahladan
Newly declassified documents reveal how New Delhi tracked Islamabad’s pursuit of a nuclear device.

‘Hidden Hands’ in Pakistan
By Prem Mahadevan
RAW, India’s external spy agency, is routinely charged with all sorts of machinations in Pakistan. What’s really at work?

Real Blood, Unsubstantiated Allegations: Was India's RAW Really Behind the Quetta Attack?
By Ahsan Yousaf Chaudhary
This time, Balochistan's lawyers bore the brunt of Pakistan's inaction against terrorism, whether domestic or foreign.

India and Pakistan: Still Stuck in a Rut
By Ankit Panda
Diplomatic engagement persists between India and Pakistan, but there's little reason for optimism.

Why Peace Talks Between India and Pakistan Fell Apart Once Again
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Akhilesh Pillalamarri discuss the April 2016 collapse of peace talks between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan: Iran Has Nothing to Do With Indian Espionage
By Ankit Panda
Pakistan tries to control the damage after its army chief insinuated that Iran may have abetted Indian espionage.

A RAW Row: Did Pakistan Accuse Iran of Abetting Indian Espionage?
By Ankit Panda
Does Pakistan really think that Iran is helping India spy in Balochistan?
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