

Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed

Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed

By Ankit Panda
It does appear, though, that there's a path of confrontation ahead for the United States and China.
Is the Trump Administration About to Take On China's Belt and Road Initiative?

Is the Trump Administration About to Take On China's Belt and Road Initiative?

By Ankit Panda
Is the United States embarking on an ambitious path to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative?

Trump and Southeast Asia: Sustaining the Maritime Pivot

Trump and Southeast Asia: Sustaining the Maritime Pivot

By Koh Swee Lean Collin
The new administration needs to rethink deterrence in the South China Sea.

One Belt, One Road and the Concept of the India-Pacific Maritime Space

One Belt, One Road and the Concept of the India-Pacific Maritime Space

By Shin Kawashima
Trump might ignore it, but for East Asia this region remains a strategic concern.

Where Is Duterte’s Foreign Policy Going? A Chinese Perspective

Where Is Duterte’s Foreign Policy Going? A Chinese Perspective

By Ge Hongliang and Chen Dingding
Duterte is a skillful realist and knows how to appropriately balance between China and the United States.
Understanding the Strategic Logic Behind the US-India Military Logistics Pact

Understanding the Strategic Logic Behind the US-India Military Logistics Pact

By Harsh V. Pant
The U.S.-India Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement benefits both countries.

For a Grand Bargain with China

For a Grand Bargain with China

By Amitai Etzioni
A new book lays out a comprehensive and detailed Asian foreign policy for the United States.
How Obama Views Asia-Pacific Leaders

How Obama Views Asia-Pacific Leaders

By Ankit Panda
Which leaders does Barack Obama get along particularly well with?

Can the US Marines Help Build Indonesia’s Amphibious Capabilities?

Can the US Marines Help Build Indonesia’s Amphibious Capabilities?

By Grant Newsham and Swee Lean Collin Koh
The effort could play an important role in the rebalance.

Rebalancing US Airpower Between Asia and the Middle East

Rebalancing US Airpower Between Asia and the Middle East

By Robert Farley
Rebalancing U.S. airpower to Asia will prove challenging.

The Geopolitics of Richard Nixon

The Geopolitics of Richard Nixon

By Francis P. Sempa
In two important books, the former president foresaw the end of the Cold War, the rebalance, and much besides.
America’s Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: On Track

America’s Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: On Track

By Janine Davidson and Lauren Dickey
The Asia rebalance is the most misunderstood foreign policy initiative of the Obama presidency.

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