
Religious Freedom

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Again Designated as Religious Freedom Violators, Granted Waivers

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Again Designated as Religious Freedom Violators, Granted Waivers

By Catherine Putz
Yet again, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan – alongside Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – have been granted waivers from sanctions related to their religious freedom violations.
Shrinking Space for Religious Minorities in Sri Lanka 

Shrinking Space for Religious Minorities in Sri Lanka 

By Knox Thames
Recent reports from CSW and USCIRF highlight the pressures put on Sri Lanka’s religious minorities.

To Prevent Violent Extremism in Tajikistan, Promote Religious Freedom

To Prevent Violent Extremism in Tajikistan, Promote Religious Freedom

By Tony Perkins and Nury Turkel
Washington should promote and directly incorporate religious freedom training as a requirement for Tajikistan to receive aid.

Why Are Peaceful Human Rights Activists Still Behind Bars in Vietnam?

Why Are Peaceful Human Rights Activists Still Behind Bars in Vietnam?

By Kasit Piromya
In the midst of a global pandemic, Vietnamese authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Nguyen Bac Truyen, and other prisoners of conscience like him.

9 Young Jehovah’s Witnesses Remain Detained in Turkmenistan

9 Young Jehovah’s Witnesses Remain Detained in Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
The nine men are all conscientious objectors, imprisoned for refusing compulsory military service.
Of Concerns and Waivers: Religious Freedom and US Interests in Central Asia

Of Concerns and Waivers: Religious Freedom and US Interests in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan were once again designated as  “Countries of Particular Concern” for violations of religious freedom.

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses 

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses 

By Naz El-Khatib and Ashley Wood
Trump’s obsession with “strength” at the expense of human rights has been a defining feature of his views on China.
Confronting China’s Suppression of Religion

Confronting China’s Suppression of Religion

By Farahnaz Ispahani
Instead of the Communist party's intolerance, democratic Taiwan offers a positive example.

What’s Up With Religious Freedom Worldwide?

What’s Up With Religious Freedom Worldwide?

By Vishal Arora
An overview from Nadine Maenza, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Conservative Religious Bloggers Detained in Uzbekistan

Conservative Religious Bloggers Detained in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
The arrests cast a pall on Uzbekistan's reform efforts and illustrate the boundaries of Tashkent's tolerance for debate.

The Reality of Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan

The Reality of Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan

By Casey Michel
Far from a multiconfessional bastion, some Christian and other denominations are discriminated against in Kazakhstan.
How to Fight ISIS Messaging in Central Asia? Religious Freedom

How to Fight ISIS Messaging in Central Asia? Religious Freedom

By Catherine Putz
In a recent discussion, Noah Tucker argues that religious freedom--as a policy--is simply the best counter to ISIS messaging efforts.

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