

US Drops Currency Manipulator Charge for China Ahead of ‘Phase One’ Trade Deal

US Drops Currency Manipulator Charge for China Ahead of ‘Phase One’ Trade Deal

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Treasury Department is pulling back its August 2019 charge that China is a currency manipulator.

China's Currency Devaluation Triggers US Charge of Manipulation

China's Currency Devaluation Triggers US Charge of Manipulation

By Bonnie Girard
The designation carries no penalties, but it will have a ripple effect on China’s economy.
Belt and Road Brings Chinese Finance to the Gulf

Belt and Road Brings Chinese Finance to the Gulf

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
The Gulf is emerging as an important center in China's efforts to internationalize its currency and financial dealings.

Janet Henry on China’s Economic Reform Scorecard

Janet Henry on China’s Economic Reform Scorecard

By Maurits Elen
How to keep the world’s second largest economy in shape?

Trump: China Is Not a Currency Manipulator

Trump: China Is Not a Currency Manipulator

By Ankit Panda
Trump changes his mind about the wisdom of declaring China a currency manipulator.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Post-Brexit, What Are the Geopolitical and Economic Consequences for Asia?

Post-Brexit, What Are the Geopolitical and Economic Consequences for Asia?

By Ankit Panda
The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. How will that affect Asia?

Key Emerging Market Index Rejects Chinese Stock Inclusion

Key Emerging Market Index Rejects Chinese Stock Inclusion

By Ankit Panda
In a setback for Chinese officials, MSCI won't be adding Chinese A shares to its key emerging markets index.
The Currency Question: Andrew Jackson and Chairman Mao

The Currency Question: Andrew Jackson and Chairman Mao

By Maura Cunningham and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Convergences and divergences between America and China tell us a lot about each country's current trajectory.

China’s Currency Turbulence: Evidence China Lacks A Committed Economic Direction?

China’s Currency Turbulence: Evidence China Lacks A Committed Economic Direction?

By Adela Suliman
Despite the People's Bank of China's efforts, China's currency continues to falter.

The Big Short: The Hong Kong Peg Is Not for Turning

The Big Short: The Hong Kong Peg Is Not for Turning

By Erik Tollefson
This is not a George Soros moment. At least not yet.

‘Sword Of Damocles’ Hangs Over Asia

‘Sword Of Damocles’ Hangs Over Asia

By Anthony Fensom
Financial markets are worried about another Chinese currency devaluation.
Why George Soros Is Wrong About the Chinese Economy's 'Hard Landing'

Why George Soros Is Wrong About the Chinese Economy's 'Hard Landing'

By Dingding Chen
China’s economy is slowing down, but a hard landing is unlikely.

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