
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Press Watchdog Paints Grim Picture of Southeast Asian Media Freedoms

Press Watchdog Paints Grim Picture of Southeast Asian Media Freedoms

By Sebastian Strangio
Of the region's 11 nations, just two ranked in the top half of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index.

The State of Press Freedom in Southeast Asia

The State of Press Freedom in Southeast Asia

By Sebastian Strangio
Most nations in the region have risen in the latest RSF World Press Freedom Index, but conditions on the ground range from restrictive to openly repressive.
Asian Nations Among the Worst Jailers of Journalists: Report

Asian Nations Among the Worst Jailers of Journalists: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
According to Reporters Without Borders, 2022 saw a record number of media workers detained globally.

Media Watchdog Nominates Southeast Asian Journalists for Annual Prize

Media Watchdog Nominates Southeast Asian Journalists for Annual Prize

By Sebastian Strangio
Han Thar Nyein of Myanmar and Lady Ann Salem of the Philippines have been shortlisted for their efforts to hold corrupt and repressive governments to account.

Southeast Asian Nations Languish in Annual Press Freedom Ranking

Southeast Asian Nations Languish in Annual Press Freedom Ranking

By Sebastian Strangio
The one outlier was Timor-Leste, which ranked 17th out of the 180 nations examined by Reporters Without Borders.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

6 Out of 10 ASEAN Leaders Listed in RSF’s Gallery of ‘Press Predators’

6 Out of 10 ASEAN Leaders Listed in RSF’s Gallery of ‘Press Predators’

By Luke Hunt
In Myanmar, “terror is back” – and the same can be said for much of Asia.

Malaysian Cartoonist in the Crosshairs of Increasingly Repressive Government

Malaysian Cartoonist in the Crosshairs of Increasingly Repressive Government

By Sebastian Strangio
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has used the coronavirus pandemic as a pretext to arm himself with emergency powers and silence dissenting voices.
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